Bee pollen - the best recipes and secrets of use

Experienced apitherapists often use in the treatment of their patients an update. So called pollen, which is collected by bees during the collection of flower nectar. Insects bring it to the beehive, salivate and harvested for larval feeding. Thanks to this, the update gets many additional useful properties.

Bee pollen - composition

The described product is rich in rare chemical compounds necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. The main components for which bee pollen is valuable are vitamins. The update contains high concentrations:

Bee pollen is a unique source of organic protein. Proteins make up about 30% of the total mass in dry matter, it is 2-10 times more than in meat, eggs and milk. Other valuable ingredients of the update:

Bee pollen - good and bad

In apitherapy, maintenance is considered not just a biologically active supplement to the ration, but a full-fledged drug. For this reason, it is necessary to take into account all the effects that bee pollen produces - its benefits are undeniable, but in some cases the product can cause irreparable harm. Before using the update it is important to make sure that there are no allergic reactions and contraindications to such treatment.

Pollen bee - useful properties

The main purpose of this product is the general strengthening of the body and biostimulation. The properties of bee pollen provide activation of the immune system, which helps in the prevention of acute respiratory infections, viral and bacterial infections. Regular reception of an update tones up the body, helps normalize sleep and appetite, relieves of loss of strength and apathy, protects from stressful influences.

In the treatment of a huge number of internal diseases apitherapists use fermented pollen (bee) - useful qualities of the product make it possible to ease the flow and eliminate the symptoms of the following pathologies:

The damage to bee pollen

Update does not produce negative side effects, if you do not abuse this beekeeping product. The reception of pollen bee must be course, with interruptions. It is important to observe the prescribed daily dosage. Otherwise, the use of the update can provoke;

Pollen bee - contraindications

The described natural agent is conditionally allowed to be accepted by all. Even people with inadequate reactions of immunity to stimuli are useful bee pollen - an allergy to it is extremely rare. Apitherapeutists claim that the obesity has no contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist before taking it. Bee pollen is used with caution in the following situations:

Bee pollen - how to take?

In order to be as effective and safe as possible, it is important to strictly adhere to the daily dosage, which is 12-15 g of dry matter (for an adult). Purely pollen is used in its pure form - recipes provide for either its resorption without additives, or mixing with honey, butter, aloe juice. Apitherapy advise you to apply a dry update, because it contains the maximum number of useful components.

How to take bee pollen to boost immunity?

As a fortifying agent, it is desirable to use the present product as pure. Bee pollen for immunity is applied twice a day. It is necessary to dissolve 1 tsp of granules 30 minutes before breakfast and evening meal (no later than 18.00). The duration of the course of therapy is 30-31 days, after which you should take a break for 60 days. Bee pollen can be an excellent prevention of influenza and other SARS, so it is advisable to drink it thrice a year during the following months:

Bee pollen in pancreatitis

Renewal is often recommended for patients with gastroenterology, suffering from pancreatic disorders. Treatment with pollen (bee) is carried out only in the phase of remission of the disease. In the acute stage of pancreatitis, the affected organ can not be overloaded with proteins, carbohydrates and sugars, with which the product is rich. It can provoke diabetes. The way how to use bee pollen in chronic pancreatitis is similar to the method used to strengthen immunity.

The best option is a granulated dry renewing, thoroughly cleaned from wax and honeycomb pieces. When treating the pancreas, it is better to dissolve the pollen in the morning and in the afternoon, about 15-16 hours. The product can not be heated, mixed with warm or hot drinks, dishes, washed down with tea. Under the influence of high temperatures, the renewal loses its healing properties. To enhance the therapeutic effect, you can use a special herbal infusion in parallel with the intake of pollen.

Herbal tea recipe


Preparation, application

  1. Mix all herbal ingredients.
  2. Put in a thermos 2-2.5 st. spoon collection.
  3. Pour raw materials with boiling water.
  4. Insist 2-3 hours.
  5. Strain the medicine.
  6. Eat 0.5 cup of tea, 3 times a day, 1 hour after eating.

Bee pollen in diabetes

This endocrine pathology is successfully treated with the help of an update, but only in combination with conservative therapy. In this case, it is important that only pure bee pollen is used - the use of pergia (honeycomb stash in honeycombs) is dangerous for diabetics. It contains a huge amount of fructose and sugary substances, which worsen the patient's condition.

With diabetes, bee pollen is taken for 1 tsp of dry or granulated matter per day. It is desirable to dissolve the update in the morning, half an hour before breakfast, the course - 1 month. Therapy can be repeated 3 times a year, but only in agreement with the endocrinologist. Treatment with a natural product is carried out in parallel with the reception of pharmacological preparations.

Pollen bee with oncology

Neither perga, nor rejuvenation is an alternative to clinical therapy of malignant tumors. Only in combination with conservative treatment is effective bee pollen - the properties and application of natural product in combination with medicines and irradiation help:

The way of using pollen in case of oncological diseases is standard. You need to dissolve every day for a month for 1 teaspoon of bee products half an hour before meals. It is important to do this in the morning and around 15-16 hours. At a later evening time, it is not recommended to use an update, because it tones up the body and can cause insomnia. The course of therapy - 1 month, it is allowed to repeat 2-3 times a year.

Bee pollen for weight loss

Weight reduction with the help of an update is achieved due to its ability to improve metabolism. To accelerate the desired results and safe weight loss, it is important to combine the intake of the product in question with physical activity and balanced nutrition. There is a proven scheme how to correctly use bee pollen for the purpose of losing weight:

To reduce body weight, it is recommended to dissolve granular or dry refresh in the morning. It is advisable to do this an hour after breakfast, but be sure before lunch. When the pollen completely dissolves in the mouth, it is necessary to drink it with a glass of water at room temperature. The course of admission varies depending on the effect obtained, a maximum of six months. It is important to constantly monitor your well-being and immediately stop using the update if negative reactions occur.

Bee pollen for the face

The composition of the described product is ideal for the preparation of caring and rejuvenating cosmetics. Bee pollen in dry form can be used for any type of skin. The only contraindication to its application is individual intolerance, so it is necessary to check in advance how the epidermis reacts to the renewal. A popular way to use bee pollen for the face is to make home masks. They deeply nourish and moisturize the skin, tighten it, smooth out small mimic wrinkles and narrow pores .

The recipe for a universal mask


Preparation, application

  1. First mix sour cream and honey.
  2. Add the pollen to the resulting mass.
  3. Stir well until a thin, uniform consistency is obtained.
  4. Distribute the product on clean dry skin.
  5. After 20-25 minutes, remove the mask with a damp cloth napkin.
  6. Rinse your face with cool water.

Bee pollen for the hair

Tools with refresh help prevent cross-section of tips and fragility of strands. They stop hair loss, stimulate their growth, increase the density of the curls and give them a beautiful shine. It is irreplaceable bee pollen for women suffering from seborrhea. Update actively fights against dandruff, qualitatively cleanses the scalp and serves as a preventative for the fungus.

The recipe for a universal hair mask


Preparation, application

  1. Beat the listed components with a fork.
  2. Apply the product on the scalp, while performing active massage with the pads of the fingers.
  3. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with cool water.
  4. When the entire mask is removed, wash the head with shampoo.

How to store bee pollen at home?

The described product should be kept in the refrigerator. It is important that the rejuvenation is in a glass container with a tightly screwed lid. The length of storage depends on the form in which the bee pollen was purchased - the shelf life is: