Inhalation with dry cough nebulizer

There are a lot of ways to fight a cough. Someone prefers to use natural remedies, such as breastfeeding or Mucaltin tablets, someone likes radical antibiotics, and there are people who trust only folk remedies. But adherents of all these methods of treatment certainly will not deny the benefits of inhalation. Especially today, when you can do the procedure with a special device - a nebulizer.

Types and features of nebulizers

Nebulizer is a modern device for inhalation, in which any drug solution is transformed into minute particles that can penetrate deep into the lungs. Thanks to this nebulizer allows you to cure a dry cough faster than many other means.

Today on sale there are ultrasonic and compression types of nebulizers. The ultrasonic device is characterized by smaller dimensions and quiet operation. Due to this, it can be used to treat children. The only significant drawback is that when treating a dry cough with an ultrasonic nebulizer, it will not be possible to use hormones and antibiotics, because ultrasound simply tears them down. While compression nebulizers, creating a lot of noise, are able to produce smaller particles and allow you to use almost all existing drugs.

Treatment of dry cough by nebulizer

In order to maximize the effect of inhalations by a nebulizer, the cause of the cough should first be determined. Only after this it will be possible to choose the most suitable preparation. To do this accurately and reliably, of course, only a specialist can.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of dry cough inhalation using a nebulizer look like this:

1. Bronchodilators - drugs designed specifically for the treatment of bronchial asthma, dry cough. The most effective representatives of the group:

2. Interferon - a great immunomodulator.

3. Phytopreparations have an anti-inflammatory effect, such as, for example, Rotokan.

4. For inhalation with a dry cough nebulizer can also use antibiotics. Most often used:

5. Sometimes cough can be cured with the help of hormones.

6. Mucolytics help to induce liquefaction of sputum:

Many experts advise with a dry cough to make a nebulizer inhalation on mineral water or saline .