Bergamot oil - properties and applications

Bergamot oil is obtained by cold pressing the skin of the fruits of this plant during their ripening. His fragrance is very light and refreshing. Due to its rich chemical composition, bergamot oil has useful properties and its use is shown in various diseases and pathological conditions.

The healing properties of bergamot oil

Bergamot essential oil has antiseptic and analgesic properties, so its use is very useful for cystitis and other infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. In such diseases it is necessary to take a sitting bath with him.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Warm up to 40 degrees. Add the bergamot oil to it. The bath should be taken within 15 minutes.

Bergamot oil improves the work of the digestive tract. Taking it regularly, you can remove parasites and get rid of gas generation. It also effectively eliminates inflammation of the throat and oral cavity. For this, rinses are done with it.

The recipe for the solution


Preparation and use

Honey is mixed with oils and added to warm water. Gargle with such a solution you need three times a day.

Bactericidal properties of bergamot oil can be used to treat ARI, sinusitis and bronchitis. For this, cold inhalations are made with this remedy: 2 drops of oil drip onto a dry napkin, applied to the nasal sinuses and breathe deeply for about 7 minutes.

Essential oil of bergamot will help to eliminate pain in muscles, inflammation of connective and nervous tissue.

Recipe for gingerbread


Preparation and use

Mix the oil. The resulting mixture of vigorous movements rub into a sore spot.

This oil completely eliminates fungal lesions, eczema and scabies in a few days. To do this, the oil must be applied to the affected area and apply a warming bandage on top.

Application of bergamot oil in cosmetology

The external use of bergamot essential oil will help to eliminate oily shine and refresh your face. Also, this remedy can be used for acne and purulent formations. When acute inflammatory processes appear on the skin, you just need to pinpoint them with this oil and they will disappear in 2-3 days.

Do you have dull and lifeless tips of hair? Are the locks thin and heavy? The use of bergamot oil is also beneficial for hair. With it is best to do aromatism. To do this, you need to drip some oil on a wooden comb and comb it well with your hair. Repeat this procedure should be after every hair wash.