Basil - useful properties and contraindications

An annual basil plant is well known to everyone. It is actively used by culinary specialists. It has a spicy aroma and a pleasant aftertaste. But on this its advantages do not end. Basil has useful properties and contraindications. Thanks to them, the herb attracted many adherents of traditional and alternative medicine. It turns out that the plant can be used for medicinal purposes.

Benefits of basil

There are about forty varieties of basil. The compositions of each of them are slightly different. But they are all equally useful and nutritious. The grass contains such useful components as:

Prescriptions of medicines based on the beneficial properties of basil, if there are no contraindications, can have:

In general, the healing effect of this herb can be said for a very long time:

  1. Since the basil contains a very large amount of vitamin C, it effectively strengthens the immune system.
  2. Astringent and bactericidal properties of grass are actively used to treat diseases of the oral cavity. It eliminates bad breath, strengthens the gums, relieves inflammation, removes swelling.
  3. Useful properties and contra-indications of basil for women suffering from painful periods can be relevant.
  4. Regular use of the plant has a beneficial effect on the body - it is cleansed of toxins, toxins, free radicals and other dangerous substances.
  5. Many experts recommend the use of basil in its pure form or the preparations made on its basis, with disorders in the work of the nervous system. In addition, spice normalizes sleep.
  6. Patients who have no warnings and contraindications to the use of the herb, the beneficial properties of the basil violet can be used to remove kidney stones. The plant is able to reduce the level of uric acid, because of which concrements are formed, and dissolve stones of medium size.
  7. Those who regularly eat basil probably noticed that their appetite improved and all digestive problems disappeared (if they were, of course, present).
  8. There is reason to believe that oils contained in spices prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  9. In the absence of prohibitions and contraindications, the beneficial properties of basil green can be used to reduce the temperature with a cold . In addition, the herb is more effective than many remedies coughs.
  10. Components included in the plant, can reduce cholesterol in the blood.
  11. Appreciated the properties of basil and ophthalmologists. Today, more and more often, spices are treated in the treatment of glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis.

Contraindications to the use of basil

In addition to a large number of useful properties, there are basil leaves and contraindications:

  1. The plant can harm pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
  2. It is not recommended to spice patients with deviations in coagulability .
  3. With caution, basil is used for people with hypotension and vegeto-vascular dystonia.
  4. Adverse effects of the herb may be on patients who have had a myocardial infarction or stroke.
  5. Contraindication to excessive consumption of plants is considered and diabetes.
  6. Do not get carried away with fresh basil and the means made from it, and with thrombophlebitis of the veins of the lower extremities.

It should also be kept in mind that spices contain a small amount of mercury. Therefore, it is not recommended to abuse it.