Calendula flowers - medicinal properties

In pharmacology and folk medicine, beautiful, bright orange flowers of calendula are very appreciated. The medicinal properties of this plant allow coping with diseases of absolutely all systems of the body. Undoubted advantages of this healing herb is its safety, the absence of side effects and the minimum number of contraindications.

Therapeutic properties of marigold flowers

All the actions provided by preparations from marigold marigolds are due to their unique chemical composition:

Also, the flowers of marigold contain micro- and macro elements:

This allows you to treat with the help of drugs from marigold diseases of the immune system, improve the work of the heart muscles and increase blood circulation. Infusions and decoctions on the basis of the raw materials in question is an excellent prevention of dental and oral diseases, oncological pathologies.

Contraindications to the use of flowers of calendula

You can not use the calendula and aids from them during pregnancy and feeding the baby with breast milk.

Also in the list of contraindications include:

In the presence of pathologies associated with a sustained impairment of blood circulation, cardiac activity, contractions of the ventricles, it is necessary to consult a cardiologist and perform an electrocardiogram .