White lily - flower-healer

Lily white, or snow-white, - a flower of amazing beauty and with a delicate aroma, which from the first days of Christianity is a symbol of purity and innocence. It is called the "flower of the Virgin Mary", but long before this lily ancient Romans and Greeks worshiped, considering it a divine plant. But, in addition, the white lily has a mass of medicinal properties and is actively used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Useful properties of white lily

For medical and cosmetic purposes, white lily bulbs harvested in autumn or early spring, as well as flowers and leaves harvested in June-July, are used.

The following medicinal properties of this plant are known:

In cosmetology, white lily is used due to the ability to exert the following effect on the skin:

Recipes of traditional medicine with white lily

Ointment against various types of pain (articular, migraines, etc.)

  1. Grind 2 tablespoons of bulbs, leaves and flowers of white lily.
  2. Add 150 g of vegetable oil (olive, sunflower).
  3. Stir and insist for 3 weeks in the sun, shaking regularly.

To use for grinding joints and places of localization of pain.

Mixture for the treatment of colds and respiratory system diseases (prepared in summer)

  1. 40 fresh flowers of white lily stretch (you can through a meat grinder).
  2. Add 1 kg of honey.
  3. Stir, place in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Take three times a day for half an hour before meals for half a teaspoon, slowly dissolving.

Infusion for eye diseases

  1. 2 teaspoons of lily petals pour a glass of cold water.
  2. Leave for the night, filter in the morning.

Wipe your eyes with the infusion obtained with a cotton swab.

Oil infusion from burns, furuncles, wounds

  1. Grind three stems of lily with flowers.
  2. Place in a half-liter jar and pour over with vegetable oil.
  3. Infuse in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, periodically shaking.

Use to make lotions on the affected skin.

Alcohol tincture for internal and external use

  1. Fill half the glass container with lily petals.
  2. Pour vodka or alcohol two fingers above the layer of petals.
  3. Infuse 6 weeks in a dark cool place.

Accept as follows:

Application of white lily in cosmetology

With acne, problem skin, prone to inflammation, wipe your face with alcohol tincture of white lily, diluted twice or three times with distilled water.

To remove freckles and get rid of age spots, you should lubricate the problem areas of the skin with ointment from white lily (method prepared above), joined in equal parts with mustard flour and honey.

To prevent early skin aging, it is recommended to use a cream prepared as follows:

  1. Mix in equal proportions juice of onions, lily juice (juice can be obtained with the help of meat grinder), honey and wax.
  2. The mixture is heated in a water bath in a clay tank until the wax dissolves completely.
  3. Cool and apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté area.

The procedure should be repeated every evening for 1 to 2 months.