Psychic Attack

Have you noticed recently that something has changed in your perception of the world? You are struck by waves of strange attacks of some unreasonable alarm, you want to escape and hide from everyone, and at night you are more and more often waking up in a sticky, cold sweat, trembling with fear and with the sensation that there is something invisible nearby. If all of the above happens with you for some time and with an enviable regularity, then, most likely, you became a victim of a well-planned psychological attack that has only one goal: to bring your mental and energy fields into a state of complete imbalance, thus weakening everything Your protective systems and for a long time deducing you from the game called "Normal Life".

Treatment of mental attacks

If you do not take urgent measures, then this panic avalanche will spiral you and pull you into a maelstrom of paranoia and aggravated unconscious fears, because of which all the habitual way of life will instantly fly into the tartaras. So how to deal with this evil? First of all, you need to calm down and pull yourself together. It is clear that doing this in such a situation is incredibly difficult, but at the moment a cold analysis of what is happening is your main key to saving and getting rid of all unpleasant and poisonous life, the symptoms of a psychic attack.

So, try to take a comfortable position, take a deep breath and start thinking logically. To whom have you recently crossed the road and who could be interested in such a state of yours? If you have not been able to determine with a choice of a candidate for the post of the "destroyer of the psyche" or you have found several such "well-wishers" at once, then you do not need to despair. We will carry out comprehensive protection.

Once the psychic attack was successful and achieved its goal , it means there was clearly a strong specialist in the field of black energy, who sent a powerful negative impulse to you, knocking down all the positive "settings" of your aura. You ask, and now what to do? Run to another "bioenergy hacker"? It is not necessary at all, especially since the charlatans in these areas are now divorced nemeryano. We will try to fight back on our own and conduct the entire necessary course of treatment for a psychic attack on our own, especially since your own energy storerooms have unlimited reserves that you just need to extract and use.

How to get rid of mental attacks?

The first thing to do is sit down and relax. It is advisable at the same time to remain in absolute solitude, in order to be able to fully concentrate on their internal sensations and not be distracted by extraneous stimuli. So, are you ready? We proceed.

  1. Close your eyes and try to "see" a dark dot in front of you or a small viscous mass of a streamlined shape. You will not get it right away, but gradually it will manifest itself. The emerging black spot is the clot of the negative that was shot at you. It is urgently necessary to neutralize this bomb. To do this, try to fix it in one position, making sure that it does not move anywhere and does not disappear. Happened? Excellent. We move on.
  2. The next step is very important, because it is the main secret of how to deal with mental attacks. You must make this mass change color. Try to make it more bright and bright. Still do not understand what you are doing right now? The fact is that evil can only be destroyed by its antipode. Simply put, you need to change the charge of the energy impact directed at you, from negative to positive. Nailing the clot with an inner glance to one place, send to it a positive thought-form. Tell him that no matter who sent it, you forgive this person, because you feel his pain. After all, any aggression is primarily a form of protection. The owner of the "dark spot" felt strength in you and was afraid of her, he just wanted to protect himself from the danger that he thinks you represent for him. Explain to the "scout" captured to you that you do not want anyone to be evil and are ready to resolve all differences by peaceful means. Once you do this, the mass instantly begins to lighten and expand. Now you can let her go: the enemy has moved to your side.
  3. The last stage of getting rid of a psychic attack is called a "big bang". Give the former "black hole" a clear order to become a supernova, the most powerful and brightest star in the universe. Concentrated negative energy in it, changing charge from minus to plus, will explode in an instant with a flash of dazzling white light that forms around your aura a protective dome with armor of such density that it can not be pierced even with the strongest abilities, magician or cosmoenerget.

Now you can open your eyes. Look, it took only a couple of minutes, but how the world changed, right? There is no more panic, no fear of the frightening dark uncertainty of the future. There is only a feeling of unlimited peace and inner strength that will now always be your lifebuoy and protect from all troubles and troubles if only the latter will have the audacity to appear on your horizon and you will never have to think about how to get rid of mental attacks. Now you are able to cope with them with a single movement of thought and all the "ghosts" hiding in the dark will very quickly understand who in the house is the master and bending his head will doomed to sidetrack, freeing you.