Material and Spiritual Culture

Culture is the activity of a person to create different kinds of values, and also the result of such activities. In a general sense, this concept can include everything created by man. However, when talking about material and spiritual culture, there are different concepts: all of the above refers to the first category, and the second includes ideas, images, traditions, customs, rituals and theories.

Features of material culture and its differences from spiritual

The material culture of a specific people includes traditional clothing, products, weapons, housing, jewelry, and various adaptations. Material culture in a broad sense includes two main elements:

  1. Items created by human hands (architecture, appliances, household elements). In this case, culture is an act of adaptation of man to the environment, and environment - to man. Modern information culture is built on the basis of various devices: telephones, the Internet, television.
  2. Technologies created by man. Technology refers to the material culture, and not to the spiritual, because they have a real living embodiment. For example, the technology "touch" found application in phones, tablets and laptops of a new generation.
  3. Skills and skills are not just theoretical knowledge, they are their real embodiment. Precisely because they have a physical image, they are brought into this category. In this you can see the spiritual and material culture, but it is more correct to speak simply about the material, as a concrete embodiment of the skill.

Accordingly, all elements of culture that do not fit the description of the material form, can be attributed to the spiritual.

Spiritual culture and its relationship with the material

The main difference between spiritual and material culture is that one of them has no exact physical appearance, and the other has. Spiritual culture is not in our world, but in the field of intellectual activity, emotions , feelings and self-expression.

Originally the ideal form of spiritual culture was mythology. Myths regulated various kinds of relations, explained the structure of the world, could serve as a normative reference point. Later, their role was taken by religion, and further to it were added philosophy and art.

It is believed that the ideal form of culture can not be associated with a concrete opinion - it is scientific knowledge, morality, language. In the same category, you can include educational activities and objective media.

However, spiritual culture in a subjective sense also exists: it is the inner baggage of a person, represented by his opinion, moral principles, knowledge, behavior, religious beliefs.

It is also interesting that the spiritual culture can smoothly flow into the material - the idea of ​​the sculptor will become embodied and become the object of material culture. However, the material culture also turns into the spiritual: reading books, discussing their meaning, a person translates a real material culture into a subjective spiritual culture.

Material and spiritual culture of Russia

The culture of Russia, like any other country, has many centuries. Since the state is multinational, local culture is multifaceted, it would be difficult to bring it under one common denominator.

Moreover, each specific period of time is marked by its cultural objects - in ancient times it was chronicles, way of life, national costumes, then - numerous paintings, books, monuments, poems. Nowadays, in our days, culture still retains many customs, traditions and other parts of the culture of the past, but much has been borrowed from other countries. This is a common process for many countries of the 21st century.