Rites and rituals

For some reason, even people who consider themselves not superstitious do not feel at ease, if on Friday the thirteenth an unlucky person happens to them. Maybe this is really something to eat?

Our ancestors, each significant event in life, was accompanied by specific rituals and rituals, which were used to attract welfare, for peace in the home, for a good harvest, for removing the evil eye and spoilage. To believe or not in the magic of ancestors, in their beliefs, everyone is free to decide for himself. But most people still strive to back up their aura and support of the universe.

To the wedding

Wedding rituals and rituals are perhaps the most extensive category of folk customs. After all, young people need to be protected from the mass of dangers, the bride is reconciled once and for all with her mother-in-law, the groom with her mother-in-law.

To a young woman was adopted as her own daughter in law, the bride must wash herself in the parents' house with a towel that she does not take with her in the new house for three nights before the wedding.

The text is as follows:

"How sweet I was to my mother and my father. How they held me in my arms, protected my eyes, insulted no one, so my mother-in-law would love me, do not torment me, do not scold me, I would not live with the light, I would have pity and guarded. My word is strong, my business is tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Full Moon

Full moon is the best time to get rid of what prevents you from living. There are many spells, rituals and rituals that you need to hold at the full moon.

For example, gather with friends and build a fire. Each of you should write on a piece of paper things that you want to get rid of (for example, smoking). Solemnly, in turn, everyone throws their bad habits into the fire.

On wealth

Another popular category in magic is rituals and rituals for riches.

It should be performed on a new moon on Thursday. Take a handful of pine seeds, put in your mouth, and, without swallowing, hold for 9 minutes. At this time, visualize in front of you all the riches you dream about, the items you want to acquire, your happiness, the joy and well-being of your loved ones. Then spit them out on the palm of your hand and hold for 30 seconds, continuing the visualization. And, in conclusion of this ancient ritual and rite, you need to hold the seeds for 30 seconds under the open sky. Then put them in a pot and, watering, each time lower your hand into the water, presenting for a moment the future riches.