Cake made from ready-made cakes

Even the most experienced hostess does not always have enough time and energy to create culinary masterpieces completely with her own hands. If on the threshold of a crowd of uninvited hungry guests or a child suddenly remembered that the school fair should bring a dessert. If the future mother-in-law has come down, and you are not friendly with the oven - in all crisis cases you can build a quick and delicious cake made from ready-made cakes. One of the simplest and most obvious recipes is a fruit cake with ready-made cakes. We beat the sour cream with sugar, grease the cake, and decorate the top with strawberries and whipped cream. The following recipes will require a little more time and skill from you.

Marble cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes



Pre-soak the gelatin according to the instructions on the package. Cottage cheese is wiped through a sieve, we mix it with sugar powder, vanilla sugar and sour cream. Gelatin, stirring, warmed up in a water bath, until complete dissolution. When it cools down, combine it with the curd mixture. Divide the mass into two parts, add cocoa to one of them.

At the bottom of the split form we put the ready biscuit cake. From above, in the center, we spread curd cream. First 4 tbsp. spoons of light, and on it - the same amount of dark. And so we continue to alternate, until the whole mass does not end. We send the cake to freeze for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.

Waffle cake made from ready-made cakes


For meringues:

For cream:


Whisk the whiskers with a mixer until strong peaks, gradually adding sugar. It must completely dissolve. Cover this mass with 4 wafer cakes, and bake every one about an hour in a preheated oven to 100 degrees.

Finely chop the nuts with a knife and fry them for a couple of minutes on a dry frying pan. Then add the sugar, and continue stirring until it turns into golden caramel and will not cover the nuts. Then shift them a thin layer on the plate to cool.

For cream, beat up the soft butter with a mixer, gradually pouring condensed milk to it.

We're collecting the cake. A plain waffle cake is smeared with cream, sprinkled with nuts, top covered with coriander with baked meringue and repeat the cream with nuts. With the rest of the cakes come exactly the same. Ready cake on top and on each side is coated with cream, sprinkled with nuts and crumbs from the last plain waffle cake. So that the cake is thoroughly soaked, we send it to the refrigerator for the night.

How to make a cake "Napoleon" from ready-made cakes?


For cream:


Eggs slightly whisk whisk, gradually pouring milk. Stir with sugar powder and send it to a water bath. We cook until thick, without ceasing to work accurately with a whisk so that the cream does not curl up and does not burn. When you remove the saucepan from the stove, you must sprinkle the cream with powdered sugar. This will prevent formation of a dense crust, until the mass cools. In the meantime, whisk in a lush froth of butter. Continuing to whisk, we introduce it to the cooled egg cream. There, pour in cognac and add vanillin, mix everything thoroughly.

Lubricate this cream with prepared puff cakes and hide the cake in the refrigerator for several hours. After that, you can cut the finished cake with "triangles" - according to one of the versions it is this form, reminiscent of the headpiece of Emperor Napoleon, and served as the reason for such a magnificent name for everyone's favorite dessert.