Products that cause gas formation

Flatulence is a problem, which even the attending physician is inconvenient to say. People are ashamed of this symptom, and prefer to suffer in a quiet. But after thinking about the name of the disease - "meteoro" means a heavenly phenomenon, one could consider it an exalted disease.

Meanwhile, you need to understand what is meant by flatulence. The escaping of gases is accompanied by bloating, spasms, rumbling, discomfort. If the average person will tolerate spasms and swelling, then do not blush, because the stomach suddenly began to "talk", few will succeed.

The simplest and easily eliminated cause of flatulence is the large consumption of products that cause gas production. It is more difficult when the problem in enzymes is too few (due to disruption of the digestive tract), and they can not cope with the digestion of food. As a result, the food lump falls into the large intestine and begins to ferment there.

Also the problem can be purely psychological. Gases are formed at all, and it is not necessary that they "go out" with a thunder and thunder. However, there are people who regard the slightest manifestations of the digestive process as a pathology. They think that everyone hears and scoffs at such a "sociable" stomach. Such people have lowered the pain threshold of the gastrointestinal wall, that is, they feel extrapolated what others do not notice. This problem is not solved by the exception of products that cause gassing in the intestine. Here you need to use antispasmodics and drugs that increase the pain threshold.

Flatulence is "ordinary"

But, fortunately, in most people flatulence is just "ordinary" - occurs from time to time, due to inaccuracies in nutrition, overeating. And this means that it is necessary to reduce the consumption of products that cause increased gas production:

The most interesting thing is that almost all carbohydrates can be classified as food causing gasification, except rice. Rice, on the contrary, absorbs gases.

What are gases?

Gases are a product of the vital activity of intestinal bacteria. They are different, and the gases they emit are also different. So, gases can be oxygen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, sulfur, methane. The only "grade" of gas that smells is sulfur, it is secreted by bacteria with a product of vital activity called hydrogen sulphide.

Overeating and gas formation

Gases are formed in the large intestine, it is there that 90% of all intestinal bacteria live. In the stomach, the duodenum and the small intestine, there is digestion of food, assimilation of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, and any other useful substances.

Gases are formed only if food, having reached the large intestine, has not been digested completely, then the bacteria begin their meal and, accordingly, allocate the products of vital activity. There is an easy way to prevent food from digesting into the large intestine - not to overeat. If the volume of the portion is not more than 250 ml, no gases are formed.


With products that cause bloating and gas formation, we figured out, and you, of course, understand that all of them avoiding is impossible. Therefore, we must outsmart the gastrointestinal tract.

Soluble fiber (legumes, cereals, fruits) is digested for a long time and reaches the large intestine not yet processed. There, because of it, the process of gas formation begins.

Insoluble fiber (bran, vegetables) is not digested at all, but only pushes the food lump to the "exit". As a result, since the consumption of cereals, fruits and legumes can not be avoided and not needed, soluble fiber will not help them get stuck in the most dangerous section of the gastrointestinal tract - the large intestine.