A child drinks a lot of water

Thinking parents are often concerned about the amount of food eaten and the baby's fluids drunk. And, if the approximate rate of consumption of food for each age can be found, then with the amount of drinking all is ambiguous. So, it seems to parents that the child drinks a lot of water, but it is good or bad, we will try to understand now.

How much should a child drink water?

Many pediatricians agree that there are no norms for drinking water at all. There are norms of consumption of liquid, and this is tea, and compote, and sour-milk products, and breast milk for babies. So, the approximate norm of the consumed liquid for children from 1 to 3 years is 700-800 ml per day, for children over 3 years - 1 liter.

These norms are very conditional, and developed mainly for children's institutions, and how much the child should drink water, directly depends on the biochemical characteristics of the organism, the motor activity of the child and the surrounding conditions (air temperature, clothing and diet).

If you are concerned that your child drinks a lot of fluids during the day, then try to answer yourself the following questions:

  1. Has your child always drunk a lot, or did it start at some particular point in time? After all, there are children who are low-drinking, and there are "vodohleby", and the first and second is the norm.
  2. What does the child prefer to drink? If a child often drinks water, then, most likely, he really quenches his thirst. And if he prefers a sweet compote or a carbonated drink, then, most likely, he tries to satisfy the need for sweet, or just to have fun.
  3. If a child who often drinks, there are still some non-standard symptoms - lethargy, headache, decreased appetite, frequent urination, etc., then he will not stop giving blood to sugar and consult a doctor.

The child drinks a lot at night

Often parents are tormented by the question of how to wean a child to drink at night. This problem is more likely pedagogical, rather than medical. If the room is hot and dry, then the desire to drink is understandable: the body loses its liquid with sweat and wants to make up for it with a plentiful drink. A child who is accustomed to drinking from thirst (for example, in a hot summer) will have a habit of drinking for a long time. To answer the question of how to wean a child to drink at night, one must answer to himself the question: why does a child do this. In most cases, a child who wakes up at night does not know another way to fall asleep - how to eat or drink. As a rule, getting rid of the habit of drinking is necessary, as well as from any other - restriction. But in this case, you should be completely confident that the baby is healthy, and the surrounding conditions can not cause him thirst.