How to cook tkemali from cherry plum?

Tkemali - the famous Georgian sauce, which serves as a perfect addition to any meat dish. We will tell you how to cook tkemali from cherry plums and surprise guests with their culinary abilities.

How to cook tkemali from cherry plum?



Green cherry plum is washed, poured cold water and boiled on a weak fire until ready. Then gently poured into a separate container of juice, and soft fruit grinded through a colander. Seeds of coriander grind the blender with salt, add the purified garlic cloves and whisk until smooth. Next, put shredded greens, seasoning, finely chopped spicy pepper and cook minutes. Then we taste the sauce, add salt if necessary, pour it into a jar, cool it and store it in the fridge.

Recipe tkemali of yellow plum



And here is another recipe, how to cook tkemali from cherry plum for the winter. We put the washed fruit into a saucepan, pour a little fresh water, cover it with a lid and cook for 20 minutes. Then spread the boiled fruits in a sieve and grate properly with a wooden spatula. Bones and peel are thrown away, and the resulting homogeneous puree is boiled. After that, turn off the fire, throw salt, sugar and spices to taste. We cut the greens sparingly, and we remove the sharp pepper from the seeds and crush it. Garlic is cleaned and squeezed through the press. All the prepared ingredients are added to the sauce, thoroughly mixed, poured into sterilized jars, poured on top with vegetable oil and rolled up with lids.

How to cook tkemali from red cherry plum?



Fruit piled in a saucepan, add thyme and take it for 15 minutes over low heat. Then grind the fruit through a sieve and boil the mass for about 1 hour, taking off periodically the foam. We rinse the greens, dry it and, together with the purified garlic, grind it in a blender. Add the mixture in a fruit puree, salt, sugar and pour tkemali from red cherry plums over jars.