Daffodil elimination at home

A beautiful flower daffodil appeared a long time ago, it was grown in ancient Egypt. In ancient Greece, the legendary Narcissus was laid down by the well-known legend. In the nineteenth century, the flower gained special popularity, new hybrids of various forms and colors were removed. It's nice to get a fragrant daffodil in winter or early spring as a gift. This flower, due to its short rest period, is most suitable for forcing out a house.

Strong bulbs of early varieties are selected for forcing out daffodils at home, for example, Eis Folis or Konfuks. You can plant bulbs in boxes or pots, necessarily with a drainage hole, a height of at least 10 cm. You can take an ordinary garden garden for distilling narcissus, but mix it in half with sawdust. You can generally use instead of the earth some fresh, clean coniferous sawdust - this will not affect the blossoming.

Daffodil elimination in winter

If you do not have time to prepare bulbs for the winter forcing in advance, purchase them in the garden center. It is sometimes even preferable: such bulbs have uniquely inside the rudiments of flowers thanks to the preparation they make on special equipment. To start the bulb it is necessary to disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate or a special preparation. Then the bulbs are placed in a tray with water and the rooting agent dissolved in it. The pallet is placed in a cool place (you can down the refrigerator) for two weeks. After this period, we put the bulbs in pre-prepared containers with a drain, from above cover with a black film or paper and put in a cool place. For successful distillation, the most important conditions are low temperature, humidity and darkness. Water the bulbs with fresh water with the addition of liquid to stimulate growth. You can not dramatically increase the temperature in the room for distillation. It can badly affect the flowering of the narcissus.

Daffodil dredging in the spring

The technology of spring forcing daffodils almost does not differ from winter technology. Is that such a distillation can be produced in glass vessels with a diameter greater than the diameter of the bulb. The vessel is poured with water, a narcissus bulb is inserted and stored in a cool room. If the water evaporates, you need to top up fresh, put rotting charcoal. When the sprouts reach about 12 centimeters, the plant needs to be transplanted into a pot. And if you started dumping the daffodils in February, then just by March 8, get a beautiful fragrant spring flower.