What is the itch of the lips?

Creating signs, people basically noted important details and events, but they could not bypass the most sensual and outstanding organ - the lips. They can tell a lot about a person, not only relying on superstition , but also on the opinions of psychiatrists, etc. About the events of the future can tell a sign about why itches lips. Thanks to this information, it is possible to learn about some facts and to protect yourself from problems and wrong steps. It is only important to consider that if the itching is accompanied by redness and does not pass a long time, then you need to see a doctor.

What is the itch of the lips?

Many believe that if discomfort has arisen in this part of the face, then in the near future have to kiss. Therefore, where exactly it itches, it will depend on what character the kiss will have, that is, friendly, passionate, etc. First we will understand, to what the upper lip is scratched. This sign for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity means that one should expect passionate kisses with a prominent man, and the initiator of such contact will be a woman. By the way, this superstition has, quite, a normal explanation. In the past, when women did not have lipsticks, they smeared lips with wax or honey, which made the lips visually more attractive and smooth. On a date they also went with clean lips, trying to get rid of even the natural shine. To remove the wax, they used hard tissue, hot water and other means that caused itching. There is another interpretation of the omens, why the upper lip is itchy. There is information that in this case it can be taken as an indication that you talk too much and gossip about others. This superstition can also be explained. Many people begin to get nervous and bite or scratch their lips before an important conversation or performance.

A sign, to which the lower lip is scratched, means that the kiss will have a friendly character. Perhaps it will be relatives or close people. Yet this may mean that you will soon have to eat sweets. Physiologists have noticed that a person has a conditioned reflex, which has to do with the desire to eat or drink something. In this case, a person without thinking, begins to rub his lips.

There is also another explanation for this sign. According to him, the person who has combed his lip can get someone to scold, and the reason will be in foul language. This is fully justified, that if someone insults, then in return can get a fully understandable reaction. More lips are itching to a noisy meal or an edible gift.

Other signs explaining what itching to lip:

  1. If the itching appeared closer to the right corner of the lips, then, soon you will smile and rejoice in something. I had to scratch at the other end - this is a bad sign, promising grief. If it itched in the center, then prepare for a long boredom.
  2. For the newlyweds, this sign is interpreted in its own way. If on the wedding day lips are strongly scratched, then the honeymoon will last a lifetime. Itching appeared not only on the lips, but on the chin - this is a negative symbol, warning that love will quickly pass. If the lips and the tip of the nose are scratched, it means that the husband will drink a lot. When the itching arose in the area of ​​the lips and neck - this is a symbol of a happy married life.

There are other signs in which the lips participate. If a person is full, then he is open, kind and if necessary he is ready to come to the aid of other people. If pimples appeared on the lips, it means that their owner recently kissed someone passionately. To believe in signs or not, everyone's business, but the fact that they contain the wisdom of their ancestors is a fact.