Friday, 13 - signs

It's no secret that Friday's fear, 13 has historical roots. Ancient beliefs say that on this day witches, ghouls and various evil spirits gathered, and Satan himself was the head of the ball. Christian culture bears the legend that Adam and Eve tasted the forbidden fruit on this day, and in it, after years, there was the murder of Abel Cain. The crucifixion of Christ also occurred on Friday (the number in this case is not specified).

Since then, Friday the 13th was overgrown with superstitions and signs . We will consider some of them:

  1. By superstition, on Friday, 13 you can not go on a trip, because such a road will not be filled with pleasant surprises.
  2. It is believed that this day there are many car accidents, so drivers should be especially careful at the wheel.
  3. On such a day, one should not go to the hospital and should not be operated, since there is a risk that the actions of medical personnel will not lead to a successful outcome.
  4. Modern superstitions say that even computer viruses are becoming particularly aggressive, and therefore, it is recommended to stop using gadgets and the Internet on that day.
  5. It is believed that the plant that was planted on Friday the 13th will not grow and bear fruit.
  6. Some people fear Friday the 13th leads to the fact that they refuse to hygiene: it is believed that on this day it is forbidden even to cut nails.
  7. If you are planning to change jobs, do not settle into a new place on such a day, it can predetermine not a successful experience.
  8. It is believed that if a person's funeral falls on that day, then another person's death may be ruled out in the near future.
  9. On this day fun, drinking, tasty food, laughter are prohibited. If you are having fun this day, you may experience unhappiness.
  10. On a note, the wedding on Friday, the 13th - a very undesirable phenomenon.
  11. If you do not have serious business, on this day it is better not to leave the house at all.
  12. Do not make deals on that day and do not make purchases, especially large ones.
  13. That the bad omens of Friday the 13th did not come true in your life, go to church on that day.

The 13th, Friday and its signs sound unfavorable. Speaking in general, this day is unfavorable for most activities. But even if you are very worried when this day comes, do not forget that after Friday the 13th, there is always Saturday the 14th.