Newborn crisis

Psychologists distinguish several critical periods in a person's life, and the first of them occurs immediately after birth. In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of the newborn crisis, the revitalization complex, its signs and methods of overcoming.

Psychological characteristics of the neonatal crisis

The crisis of newborns is called a transitional stage between life in the womb and outside it. The preservation of the viability of the baby during this period is entirely the responsibility of adults who are nearby - without their help the newborn is unable to provide himself with conditions that are suitable for living. It is adults (as a rule, parents) who protect the crumb from the cold and heat, feed and protect it. The main sign of the criticality of the newborn period is a sharp weight loss in the baby in the first days after birth. It is believed that the first critical period in life crumbs passed when his weight was restored and became equal to the weight at the time of birth. As a rule, the crisis of the newborn does not last more than 1-2 months.

The causes of the crisis of newborns are complete physiological dependence on the adult, that is, absolute sociality combined with the lack of coordination of mechanisms and methods of communication with others, because newborns are unable to express their needs and desires with the help of speech. In the first few hours of life the child relies solely on unconditioned reflexes - indicative, protective, sucking and respiratory.

It is with the gap between the need for care and the inability to communicate effectively and is associated with the appearance of the main psychological neoplasm of the newborn period - the emergence of individual psychological activity. This neoplasm can be observed in the form of a complex of baby revival.

Complex for reviving a baby

A set of revival is called a set of the following reactions:

It is the presence of a complex of animation at certain stages of development of the child's psyche that testifies to the correctness of its development. It is proved that the revitalization complex is formed earlier in those children whose parents not only satisfy the vital needs of the baby, but also actively communicate with him, play - verbally and tactilely.