Choleric Characteristics

There are four types of temperament : phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic and choleric. It is the latter that is the most explosive, emotional, unstable, quick-tempered, quick-responding. These are rampant, sometimes even rude people who, one way or another, always show their impatience and intolerance. Let's consider the choleric characteristic in more detail.

Characteristics of temperament "choleric"

They are mobile, unbalanced people who are ready to fight for their work to the end. They have an unbalanced nervous system and are ready to flare up at every moment. Such people do not know how to act tactfully and cautiously: in any situation they will go ahead, even if it will be to their detriment. They are aggressive and will never keep silent if they do not like something. Be sure, if you see a scandalous person on the street or in public transport - most likely, it's a choleric.

It is very difficult for him to restrain the manifestation of his emotions, and in order to achieve this, many efforts will have to be made. At the same time, such a person often worries and worries, he always has an excuse for experiences. It is extremely difficult for him to switch attention from one subject to another, because if he does it, he will plunge into it wholeheartedly.

For any new business, such a person is taken with enthusiasm, but if it did not work at once, then most likely he will also quickly abandon it. This makes him not the most reliable partner, which is clearly not in his favor.

As a rule, in the characteristics of a choleric person it is noted that he is an extrovert. Such people are really actively going to communicate and easily get new acquaintances. They are able and able to maintain the connections that have been found, if the person turned out to be interesting and worthy of attention.

Psychological characteristics of the choleric

Such an explosive type of temperament as the "choleric" characterizes as a personality that is difficult to general discipline. This person is generally reluctant to follow someone's instructions, but he loves to give away his. This is a powerful man who will impose his will on everyone who can, let it not even be subordinates, but close people or friends. These choleric people create a lot of problems for themselves, both interpersonal and psychological. The habit of insisting on one's own rarely leads them to a positive ending.

It is believed that get along with such a person can phlegmatic, who simply will not take offense and respond to all attacks. He will simply accept this person as he is, and will observe her calmly and without reaction. This is the only true reaction, since if at such a time to begin to contradict him, he begins to show even more negative. Even reasonable arguments in no way can affect this person during his emotional splash, so only that person who can remain silent will get along next to him. Communicate with such person always need a little carefully, carefully.

A brief characteristic of a choleric person is that it is a mobile, active person, very excitable, quick-tempered, but quick-witted. All the mental processes in such people proceed incredibly quickly, and the peculiarities of their character are determined. These people are capable of strong feelings , which is their attractive trait. In every gesture of such a person, his temperament is obvious: he moves abruptly, quickly, does not tolerate procrastination, hates waiting, is not capable of calm experiences. However, after a long overstrain, he invariably experiences a decline in activity, and for some time he may be in a depressed state. In its pure form this type of temperament is extremely rare
