The coccyx hurts - all possible causes and methods of treatment

When a patient complains that his coccyx hurts, the doctor prescribes a full examination, because soreness in this part of the body occurs for various reasons. And only after this, depending on the results and condition of the patient, therapy is prescribed.

What is a coccyx in a man?

The coccyx is the vertebral column, consisting of 4-5 intergrown, underdeveloped vertebrae. The coccygeal bone is a rudiment, an organ that does not matter. If the tailbone itself hurts - the doctors call this pain koktsigodiniya - it is more likely that this is a consequence of injury. Pain in the coccyx region, caused by other causes - anorectal - may be reflected sensations from nearby internal organs.

Can the coccyx hurt?

Proceeding from the cause of the ailment, the patients in the coccyx characterize the pain as:

The coccyx hurts - the reasons

In order to understand why the coccyx hurts, the patient sometimes has to undergo a large-scale study. The causes of pain in the coccyx:

Acute pain in coccyx

A piercing, sharp pain in the coccyx in most cases occurs when a serious injury when falling or hitting the pelvic area. Painful sensations due to trauma can be permanent or paroxysmal, increasing with walking, and pain in the coccyx is possible with sitting. Localization of unpleasant sensations - in the coccyx or next to it. The coccyx after the injury hurts a long time. Sometimes the pain senses reappear a long time after the injury, but their localization and character can change.

Strong cutting pain in the coccyx, giving off in the buttocks or in the spine, appears during periods of aggravation of diseases of the spine or with a cyst. In this case, acute pain spreads widely around the focus of the disease, and in the coccyx sensation "give". A similar picture is also observed when the nerves are trapped , which can occur in the sacral or lumbar region of the spine. Injury of the sciatic nerve - sciatica - is accompanied by a sharp burning pain in the coccyx and lower back. A sharp pain in the region of the coccyx appears and with exacerbation of hemorrhoids and diseases of the rectum.

Aching pain in coccyx

Dull drawing pain in the coccyx is inherent in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. If the coccyx hurts, the causes of women - inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries or gynecological pathology, causing painful periods. If the coccyx hurts in men - it can be inflammation of the prostate. In addition, a strong aching pain in the coccyx is caused by a "jeep" illness, which arises from the habit of driving on hard, non-rescuing transport. This load causes first inflammation of the coccyx cyst, and then - its purulent inflammation.

Pain in the coccyx when sitting and standing up

The reason that the coccyx hurts when sitting, it can be a habit to spend a lot of time on a soft sofa. The coccyx is displaced at the same time and stagnation develops in blood vessels supplying it, which causes the accumulation of uric acid salts, which are the cause of the pain. Pain in the seated position in the coccyx is also among athletes, for example, cyclists and riders who during the ride injure the coccygeal bone. The coccyx hurts when sitting and in women who have been deformed during labor (overtaken).

Acute sensations in the coccyx when standing up are characteristic for scars after surgery in the perineum, with spikes in the small pelvis . When you get up and in a sitting position, the coccyx hurts and with the dermoid cyst - a congenital anomaly, consisting in the formation of a cavity in the coccyx, which is filled with a foreign tissue. In the inclined position, the coccyx hurts with inflammatory phenomena in the nearby organs - the intestine, the bladder, the uterus. Pain at an inclination can be shown because of an endometriosis, a cystitis, a colitis, a dysbacteriosis.

The coccyx hurts during pregnancy

The solution of the problem, why the coccyx hurts during pregnancy, is trying to find many representatives of the weaker sex. Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can have a variety of reasons:

In addition to the above reasons, there is one that is characteristic only for this stage in a woman's life. During the gestation of the child, the organism of the future mother undergoes multiple physiological changes. Internal organs under the pressure of the growing uterus are shifted and some of them press on the coccyx and move it back. And since the coccygeal bone is not flexible, the pressure on it is very painful.

The coccyx hurts after childbirth

Tortured of soreness in the coccyx during pregnancy, a woman dreams of getting rid of her after the birth of the baby. However, becoming a mother, she often wonders why the coccyx hurts in women and after childbirth. If discomfort persists or worsens, the cause may be trauma in the generic process, which has gone unnoticed due to pain from fights or attempts. The most common trauma in childbirth is a fracture of the tailbone (often habitual) or the outflow of blood into the tissues around the tailbone.

What to do if the coccyx hurts?

If a person is suffering from pain in the coccyx, a visit to the doctor is almost inevitable, because most of the causes are serious diseases, and the treatment of some problems is surgical. Before a visit to a medical institution, the patient should remember whether recent injuries or falls have occurred, whether the chronic diseases of the spine or internal organs have worsened, whether the inflammatory phenomena in the genitourinary sphere began.

Pain in the coccyx - which doctor should I contact?

With the question - what to do when the coccyx hurts, to which doctor to apply - it is possible to approach a specialist in the registry. Most likely, the patient will first be sent to a surgeon who will conduct a comprehensive examination and will determine if there is a problem in his specialization. If the cracks, fractures, bruises and displacements of the surgeon does not find, he will redirect the patient to a neurologist, an osteopath, a gynecologist or a proctologist. These experts can pass the patient and independently.

Than to treat a pain in coccyx?

Patients with a complaint about the fact that the coccyx strongly hurts first try to treat conservatively - without surgery. He is prescribed rest and anesthetic anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs - ibuprofen, naproxen and so on. These drugs in this case are prescribed in the form of candles, microclysters or intramuscular injections. If they are ineffective with a strong pain syndrome, the doctor can recommend an anesthetic blockade with novocaine, lidocaine or another drug that will be injected into the tissues around the coccyx.

If the coccyx hurts due to some other disease, for example, inflammation of the internal organs, the treatment will consist in the removal of the inflammatory process and anesthesia. In order not to take too many drugs, the patient can relieve the pain in the coccyx by using special circular seats that reduce the pressure on the painful area. In the same way, it is necessary to reduce the pain syndrome and pregnant women, because they are banned from powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To accelerate the recovery process, a physician can advise physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser therapy, darsonval, paraffin or mud applications), massage, manual therapy, acupuncture or exercise therapy. All these techniques help to remove severe pain, restore blood circulation, promote the healing of damaged tissues. At home, to ease pain and inflammation will help iodine - they need to lubricate the coccyx every evening before bed.