Compote of rhubarb - good and bad

Rhubarb is by no means the most famous delicacy, but in those regions where it can be obtained, it enjoys considerable popularity. This is an early perennial plant with an edible stem, which contains many vitamins and minerals. It is also remarkable that the leaves and roots of rhubarb are considered poisonous and are not consumed in food. As a rule, the stems of the plant are added to compotes, jams, jams and other desserts.

How useful is the rhubarb compote?

Stems of rhubarb are rich in useful acids (especially lemon and apple), carotene, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and vitamins A , B, C, as well as a rare vitamin K. In addition, it can be called dietary, because per 100 g of product account for only 16 kcal. Compotes with it, depending on the amount of sugar in the composition, have a calorie content of 30 to 60 calories on average.

The use of compote from rhubarb is associated with its rich components important for the human body, due to which it has a soft but powerful effect on some body systems. For example:

Compote of rhubarb has a multifaceted healing effect. These properties have been scientifically proven, and now various pharmacies on the basis of this plant are sold in pharmacies. It should be borne in mind that during the pregnancy rhubarb should be consumed in a limited way, as well as with diabetes, gout, peritonitis, inflammatory processes and any kind of bleeding.

How to make compote of rhubarb?

Prepare a rhubarb compote, full of useful properties, is very simple, and it will take quite a bit of time. Using such a drink instead of purchased juices, you can significantly strengthen your health.

Compote of rhubarb



Pre-rinsed rhubarb cut into small pieces and soak in cold water for 15 - 20 minutes. At this time, prepare the syrup, mixing the water with the sugar and bringing it to a boil. Drain the rhubarb water, and put the rhubarb into a boiling syrup and cook for 7-8 minutes until soft. In the already cooled compote add honey (if desired).