What products to exclude with constipation?

The increase in the number of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by constipation, is caused by a decrease in motor activity of people, and also - by malnutrition. To minimize the risk of this problem, you should know which foods should be excluded with constipation.

What foods cause constipation?

Provoking constipation products usually contain little fiber , but a lot of fat and protein. The fascination with such food leads to the fact that even in a healthy person the peristalsis of the intestine worsens, processes of decay and fermentation begin to occur in it.

What products provoke constipation:

In addition, to foster constipation, include fried foods, as well as smoked products and foods rich in essential oils. It is impossible to eat during the period of constipation and dishes that cause deterioration of the stomach. These include onions, garlic, radish, radish, mustard and horseradish. To refuse during a constipation it is necessary from pears, pomegranates, bananas, a dogwood, a bird cherry and a bilberry ; they fix the chair.

What foods do not cause constipation?

Doctors with a tendency to constipation appoint a special treatment table - diet number 3. It is rich in foods and foods that activate the work of the intestines. Such products include:

The best thing from constipation is helped by figs, dried apricots, prunes, puree from carrots and beets, curdled milk and yogurt, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini. In dishes for combating constipation, it is recommended to add a little vegetable oil, preferably olive oil.

Help with constipation products are recommended to include in the diet daily. To eat at the same time it is desirable often, but in small portions. At night, you should definitely drink a glass of kefir with a teaspoon of olive oil.