Fasting on Bragg

Paul Bragg achieved incredible results in the field of cleansing the body with starvation. By personal example he proved the effect of his theory. Paul was always in good shape, had high performance and optimism and was healthy throughout his life. Fasting on Bragg is very popular among people who want to live a long and happy life.

A bit of history

Paul Bragg could work for 12 hours and at the same time did not feel tired. In addition, he was engaged in tennis, swimming, dancing, kettlebell lifting, while running every day for 3 km. His life at the age of 95 was interrupted due to a terrible tragedy. What is important is that the autopsy showed that all internal organs and systems were in perfect order and absolutely healthy.

Bragg believed that all human diseases arise from malnutrition, since a huge number of products consist of chemistry. He said that the main achievement of mankind is rational starvation, which allows us to achieve self-rejuvenation, not only physically, but spiritually and mentally. Paul wrote the book The Miracle of Fasting, which became a real bestseller.

Fasting rules for Bragg for weight loss:

  1. Every day you need to walk about 5 km, and without interruption. When you feel that you can do more, boldly increase the distance.
  2. It is necessary to carry out medical starvation on Paul Bragg, which, in general, takes 52 days a year. The scheme is as follows: 1 day a week, and 4 times a year for 10 days.
  3. It is necessary to completely abandon the use of salt and sugar.
  4. In addition, it is necessary to abandon coffee, cigarettes and alcohol once and for all.
  5. In days of fasting, it is allowed to use only distilled water.
  6. The daily diet should include only natural products that have not been chemically treated. This means that your menu should not include such products: sausages, fast food, fried, smoked, as well as fruits and vegetables , which for presentable appearance are treated with paraffin.
  7. It is very important that 60% of your daily diet consist of vegetables. Still allowed to eat 3 eggs a week. As for meat, it is recommended to use it no more than twice a week.

According to Paul Bragg, fasting is necessary for resting the body. Thanks to these rules, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also gain the missing kilograms.

Unlike the forced option, Paul Bragg's curative fasting system helps to cleanse the body of toxins that are in chemically processed foods. In addition, starvation helps to rebuild the system of assimilation of food and make it balanced.

Prohibited products

Modern technology has allowed to prove the theory of Bragg about the dishes that bring the most harm to the body:

One-day fasting on Bragg

Paul advises to start with a one-day fast, and then increase the time to 4 and up to 7 days. The first thing to do is to drink a laxative the night before, and afterwards, during the day, there is nothing. On the day of fasting, you can use an unlimited amount of distilled water. For food, you need to get used gradually, for this ideal juices, fruits and vegetables. In the future, Paul recommends completely to review their diet and go to vegetarianism.

As for the use of enemas for cleansing, Bragg is against this method, since he believes that such a procedure prevents normal absorption in the large intestine.