How to learn telekinesis?

It's no secret that the average person uses the possibilities of his brain by less than 10%. However, the most patient and responsible can unlimitedly develop their own abilities - even in the sphere of the supernatural. A person can develop intuition , memory and even some skills that are not given to everyone. Many in the course of working on themselves are asking themselves how to learn telekinesis.

Is there telekinesis?

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, the question of how to develop telekinesis for the majority sounds somewhat strange, implausible and more like a joke. However, despite the mass of TV shows in which such a superpower was demonstrated, there are still no scientific studies that would confirm the real existence of the very possibility. In other words, everything that was shown in the TV show was always a trivial trick with a fishing line or a magnet. That is why the main secret of telekinesis is still its very existence.

Can I learn telekinesis?

Such a question also does not have an unambiguous answer. To determine whether it is possible to learn telekinesis, it will be possible only if its very existence is proved and experiments are carried out, during which it will be determined whether this is possible or not. At the moment, such experiments have not been conducted, that is, there are no scientific data on this matter.

However, if you properly search the Internet, you can find a lot of articles on how to train telekinesis. In addition, it is easy to meet the feedback of people who engaged in similar practices and even achieved results, but there is also no scientific confirmation that these people do not lie.

That is why the only real way to learn how to learn telekinesis and whether it is possible at all is the regular practice of various techniques and an experiment on oneself.

Exercises for the development of telekinesis

If you are seriously thinking about how to learn telekinesis at home, first of all, be prepared not to wait for quick results and engage yourself every day. This is the key to success, which is singled out by almost all people who claim to know how to use telekinesis. Try these exercises:

  1. Starting from 5 minutes and bringing this time to 15, concentrate on the shallow point in front of you. It is important to sit relaxed and suppress all third-party thoughts. Imagine the energy rays coming from the eyes to the object.
  2. The exercise is similar, but you need to perform additional rotational movements of the head.
  3. Draw a couple of points, concentrate on the top, slowly look down, without losing concentration, then return. You should feel like you are shifting the point down, and then up.
  4. On a flat surface, put a plastic cup on its side. Try to move it with willpower 10-15 minutes.
  5. Perform a similar exercise with a match suspended on the thread.

Do not show the first results, do not report about your studies until real changes are made. This will make it possible not to mix up other people's energy and do things "for themselves." The first three exercises must be performed within a month, the last two - until the results are obtained. When this is easy, complicate your task.