Transverse fetal presentation

Waiting for a child is a happy period in a woman's life. New feelings and emotions, a waking up maternal instinct, a feeling of bubbles of happiness in the abdomen - all this can not be described, you can only feel on yourself. But sometimes, these pleasant moments cloud the verdicts of doctors after the examination, one of such "sad" records in the antenatal book of the pregnant woman is: "transverse presentation of the fetus." To panic ahead of time it is not necessary, it means only that your birth will pass under steadfast attention of the doctor. Usually the transverse presentation is diagnosed from the 20th week and means that your baby is in a horizontal position relative to the pelvic organs, covering them with his back. At natural childbirth the first little shoulder of a crumb will seem.

A transverse presentation of the fetus may occur for several reasons:

Gymnastics for correcting transverse presentation

Do not worry the future mother with this verdict of doctors also because the position of the fetus can change up to 34 weeks of pregnancy. When transverse presentation of the fetus is recommended to perform the following exercises:

Such gymnastics should be performed only on an empty stomach. Remember that before starting the exercises with a transverse presentation of the fetus, you need to consult a doctor, for these exercises there are contraindications (tumors, gestosis, placenta previa and others). The effectiveness of this complex is proved and amounts to 75-95%. If everything turned out, and the head previa has changed the transverse, then to fix the result wear a bandage. It will provide support to the stomach and help maintain the correct position of your unborn baby.

In the case when the baby has not succumbed to your pleas and intense exercises, spontaneous delivery is quite dangerous and leads to various complications. Therefore, modern doctors insist on cesarean section in the transverse presentation of the fetus. An exception may be the case where one child of twins lies across, then after the birth of the first, the second will have the opportunity to turn around. An interesting fact is that in the old days doctors tried to change the position of the fetus by hand, but then it was a necessity, because any operations, including cesarean section, was a rather dangerous and risky undertaking. Now this is a safe planned event, allowing you to save life and health, both moms and kids. Usually the future mother is placed in advance in the antenatal ward and prepared for surgery, it is also necessary to monitor the pregnant woman, in order to avoid premature birth. Remember that the transverse presentation of the fetus is not a verdict, the main thing is your positive attitude and the health of the baby. We wish you a light birth!