Can pregnant women lie on their backs?

Anxiety for a small baby makes a pregnant woman look at ordinary things and habits differently. So, for example, already at the very beginning of pregnancy, future moms try to find the optimal pose for sleep and rest. There are a lot of recommendations in this regard, in particular, discussions on lying on the back do not subside. Today we will try to objectively answer this burning question for ladies in the situation.

How long can I lie on my back pregnant?

While the tummy is barely noticeable and the uterus is reliably protected by the pelvic bones, worries about whether it is possible to lie on your back during pregnancy to a future mother. At first, the pose does not affect the child's well-being and development during sleep. On the abdomen, on the back or side - a woman has the right to use the opportunity to sleep and rest in a position convenient for her to the full extent, since in a couple of months she will not have such prerogatives. As soon as the tummy starts to round up, it will be uncomfortable for her to sleep on her stomach, and it's not safe either. As for the back - to relax in this position, gynecologists are allowed until about 28 weeks. However, gradually get used to and choose a comfortable pose for rest doctors advise in advance, so as not to cloud the last months of pregnancy by chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

Can pregnant women lie on their backs in late pregnancy?

Reached a huge belly significantly restricts the freedom of movement of a pregnant woman. Of course, you can not sleep on your stomach, and the posture on your back is not the best solution. In this position the uterus strongly squeezes the hollow vein, along which the blood moves from legs to heart. Disrupting the blood flow, the pregnant woman can feel malaise, dizziness, breathing can become rapid and intermittent. But, most importantly, with such violations, the child suffers as well - he begins to experience an acute shortage of oxygen.

In addition, prolonged lying on the back can cause the appearance of pain in the lower back or cause a rise in blood pressure.

However, many doctors say: you can lie on your back during pregnancy, but not for long. An alternating change in the position of the body in a favorable pregnancy can not harm the baby and mom in no way. But, nevertheless, when answering the question of how much it is possible to lie on the back during pregnancy, gynecologists do not advise this pose, and warn that, with the slightest discomfort, the position of the body should be changed immediately.