The Swiss Flu

During an epidemic of ARVI, they are usually spread in several ways. Typically, the prevalence of type A viruses is Californian or "swine" and Swiss influenza. The first type of pathology is well studied, as it affects up to 80% of infected people annually, and "Switzerland" is a relatively new, under-researched disease.

What is the Swiss flu?

In fact, the considered type of ARVI is influenza "California" H1N1 type A, which underwent a mutation and passed into another form, H3N2.

Pathology proceeds exactly the same way as the Californian version of the virus, accompanied by the following symptoms:

After a while, the respiratory signs of influenza join:

Treatment of swine flu

Therapy of the described type of ARVI is no different from the treatment measures shown in other types of influenza:

  1. Observe the bed rest. If possible, leave the house less often
  2. To drink warm tea, compotes, fruit drinks, herbal decoctions and infusions in large quantities.
  3. Regularly, preferably every 1-3 hours gargle and nasal cavity salted water or saline.
  4. To adhere to the balanced sparing diet, at absence of an allergy to include in it natural honey.
  5. Add in citrus fruits or fruits containing vitamin C in high concentrations.

For a person with a normally functioning immunity of the listed measures, it is enough to fully recover within 3-5 days.

In some cases, symptomatic medicines for Swiss influenza are needed:

1. Antipyretics (at a temperature of more than 38.5 degrees) and anti-inflammatory:

2. Antiviral (in the first 1-2 days of the disease):

3. Antiallergic:

4. Vasoconstrictors:

5. Antitussive:

It is important to note that in the classical course of acute respiratory viral infection, antibiotics are never used, since they inhibit the functioning of the immune system. The purpose of antimicrobial drugs is advisable only in those situations when there was an attachment of a secondary bacterial infection.

As a prophylaxis of H3N2, only vaccination is effective. For example, the Swiss drug from influenza Inflaxal, containing superficial antigens of type A and B viruses, is very helpful. However, vaccinations of domestic production are no less effective, although they have a more affordable cost:

What are the consequences of the Swiss flu?

Correct and timely therapy excludes any complications of H3N2.

In the risk group are only elderly people (over 60 years), children, as well as people with autoimmune diseases. For them, the consequence of the "Switzerland" influenza may be acute pneumonia , which starts on the 5th-10th day after the onset of the first symptoms of acute respiratory viral infection.