33 week of pregnancy - what happens?

The woman will soon see her baby. To make the wait pleasant, and the meeting with the crumb - the happiest, Mom needs to know about the peculiarities of the 33-week period. Consider what changes occur with the fetus and the body of a pregnant woman at this important stage.

What happens to the baby at 33 weeks of pregnancy?

The fetus continues to grow, but the mummy's midsection will not be raised. 33 week of pregnancy is characterized by the fact that the weight of the child has increased to 2 kg. A woman feels this well by the way her skin tightens on her stomach, which causes additional discomfort. If the pregnancy is normal, then in 33 weeks the size of the fetus is 42-43 cm. The places for moving the baby are not enough, so he is inactive and sleeps a lot. But the child reminds himself of himself often. The crutch is pushed harder - it grows and is cramped.

The kid took his final position in the uterus. If 33 weeks of pregnancy is good - the fetus is favorable when the baby's head is at the bottom (head presentation). If a woman with a pelvic presentation (ass to the exit) - doctors prefer a cesarean section, so that there are no problems for the mother and her baby.

If a woman has 33 weeks of pregnancy, it is important for her to know that the development of the fetus at this stage has such characteristics:

As you can see, at the 33-week term, the fetus became almost a full-fledged newborn baby!

What happens to the body of a woman at 33 weeks gestation?

In this happy period, most mothers feel unwell and nervous. There are several reasons for this:

To worry about this woman is not worth it. But then you should visit a gynecologist more often. The doctor should closely monitor the condition of the placenta. This is very important, because it provides crumbs with oxygen and nutrients. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the normal thickness of the placenta is 33.04 mm. If in the development of the fetus, your doctor has discovered some irregularities, then he will select the appropriate therapy for you. Change the placenta is unlikely to succeed, but to establish an exchange substances between the child and his "house" is quite possible.

Complications can occur due to the place of attachment of the placenta. For example, if it is attached to the front wall, the risk of detachment increases. In this case, the woman notices spotting.

You also need to continue to control your weight. 33 week of pregnancy has a pronounced hormonal background, and the weight of the mother varies. By this time the weight can normally increase by 9-13 kg.

To a woman felt more joy from expecting a crumb, she needs to observe changes in her body, be attentive to the child, often visit the doctor.