Family curse on the male line

Speaking of curses, many are sure that there must be a person who imposes them. But this does not always happen. For example, a generic curse on the male line can arise independently, in the event that a person has committed a serious sin. It is believed that the curse can be directed from above, but there is also the opposite point of view: choosing for yourself the sinful path, a person brings his code into the genes, which destroys both his soul and the souls of his descendants.

Curse on the Male Line: Causes

In addition to the strong curse imposed by man, and simply the sinful life of one of the ancestors, the cause of the curse can be anathema - a religious curse that is imposed on those who violated certain norms. To betray a person to anathema can be a cleric, and she will act on seven generations of the clan.

Some deeply religious people imposed a curse on themselves - and this also poisoned their kind. The most serious dreams are murder and bringing to suicide - in this case a curse is imposed on the person and his family, which does not allow the descendants to live either long or happily.

Curse of the genus: signs

Detecting the curse on the male line can be quite simple, it is enough just to take a closer look at the problems that were encountered in the family. The curse is valid if:

If you learned that a curse has been imposed on your kind, you need to turn to the church for help, start praying, lead a righteous lifestyle and believe in healing.