Is green tea useful?

It is called magical, miraculous, but is it really so, and is green tea useful, as they say about it.

About the chemical composition

In green tea, tannins, vitamins, amino acids , enzymes are found, each of which has a definite effect on a person:

However, it is worthwhile to know that green tea has both beneficial properties and contraindications to use.

The Benefits of Green Tea

Many are confident that they are well aware of the beneficial properties of green tea, although they hardly have a complete idea of ​​them:

In talking about what is useful and harmful to green tea, paying tribute to its positive qualities, do not forget about the negative consequences that can lead to immoderate or thoughtless application of it.

Are there any contraindications?

They really are:

Which tea is more useful, green or black?

The truth in this eternal dispute, as usual, is in the middle: both can bring with the same success the benefit and harm. Everything depends on the state of health and the amount of tea consumed.