Erotic dreams

Sleep is a vital human need, a manifestation of a natural biological rhythm. During sleep, the physical and spiritual balance is restored. As a rule, dreams can be both an incomprehensible set of images, and a copy of real life events. Today we will pay special attention to the most unusual and secret fantasies of our subconscious, namely erotic dreams.

Why dream erotic dreams?

From a young age throughout life, erotic dreams are dreamed up for everyone. When asked why erotic dreams are dreamed, sexologist doctors respond that such dreams belong to involuntary sexual reactions and they arise in the same way as ordinary dreams. As a rule, only scripts are changed. Erotic sleep does not necessarily include sexual intercourse, any form of sexual relations can dream.

American scientists came to the conclusion that erotic dreams are dreaming for almost all men and 70% of women are approximated. Often erotic dreams appear in adolescence, thereby being a sign of puberty. As a rule, these dreams symbolize normal sexual health.

What are the dreams of erotic dreams?

Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, but do not search for hidden hidden meanings in each. all the processes taking place in our subconscious are purely individual. Also, dreams with a similar plot in different people can mean completely the opposite things. More often than not, the need for communication, pleasure, cognition, self-affirmation, manipulation of other people and compensation for one's own imperfection can be encoded in the sexual subject of sleep.

What do erotic dreams mean?

Sex with the boss is one of the most common stories of erotic dreams . As a rule, this does not always symbolize your desire, although this option is not excluded.

Masturbation can dream of both a man and a woman. In this case, sexologists recommend to think about self-doubt, problems with self-esteem, feelings of dissatisfaction and suppressed desires.

Also often many people dream of a new appearance, that is, a man becomes a woman and vice versa. Do not immediately label, because such dreams do not mean an obvious desire to change sex or homosexual inclinations. The reason for such dreams may be a discrepancy between the requirements and your inner world. For example, men require stiffness and coldness of mind, and it is at one time delicate and soft in nature. And if a woman sees herself as a man, she certainly wants to become more determined and self-reliant, or she wants to see these traits from her partner.

Seeing someone else's sex in a dream is in some way an interest in knowing. Moreover, vicious fantasies often appear to those who do not receive their realization in life.

If, in a dream, they spy on you or make love to you happens in public, most likely you want to be more meaningful to the community. It can also be a signal of your internal anxiety and anxiety, which is time to take.

In a word, do not take everything literally. If a man dreams a dream with a man - this is not a true sign that he is prone to same-sex love. If your lover has sex with another man - this also can not be equated to a clear desire to change. Most often, dreams of an erotic nature are a reflection of our state of mind. Before you try to find the correct interpretation of your dream , you need to understand yourself, try to understand what you lack and what is in excess, and only then draw conclusions.