How to store apples for the winter?

It will soon be time to harvest apples. This fruit is just a storehouse of substances useful to the body. It has iron, which supports the hemoglobin content in the blood, phosphorus is a stimulant of the brain. You can still talk a lot about the benefits of using these fruits, but in this article the conversation will go about how to properly store apples to enjoy them in the long winter period.

How to store fresh apples - preparation

First of all, preparing apples for storage, you need to carefully select them. For long-term storage it is necessary to take mature, but rather solid fruits, without damages and dents from impacts. In addition, you need to sort the apples by sorts. After all, the shelf life of early varieties - up to several weeks, medium - up to several months, and late winter (with proper care) - throughout the winter. It is impossible to wash fruits.

How to store apples in a cellar?

To ensure the long storage of apples in the cellar, it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions. Maintaining proper temperature and humidity increases the shelf life of apples. A temperature of about 0 ° C and a relative humidity of 90-95% are optimal for storing most varieties of apples. The temperature to +4 ° C is still allowed, but the humidity should be stable. If it becomes lower, apples will fade, and if higher - to forbid and rot.

Ways of storing apples

You can store apples:

In addition, you can store apples in the freezer, pre-processing them and cutting into pieces.

How to store dried apples in an apartment?

Dried apples are useful in that they retain the most useful amount of vitamins. In an apartment they should be stored in a dry and well ventilated area with a cool temperature. For them, prepare different containers: wooden boxes, cardboard boxes, dense bags of fabric. At the bottom spread the wrapping paper, it is also covered with fruit from above. This will help protect them from pests.

These ways of storing your favorite fruits are perfectly suitable for any owner and, most importantly, apples will occupy little space in the room.