Home Rose

Decorative room rose will be the best decoration of the room. The only difference of this rose from its soil sisters is the miniature size of the bush, whose height is 30-45 cm. The shoots of the indoor rose are slightly sunburned, usually covered with spines of different sizes.

The room miniature rose has charming flowers with a diameter of 1.5-4 cm, which are distinguished by a pleasant smell and various shades. In the room, tea and hybrid, pernicious, repairant, and polyanthus roses are most often grown. Outwardly they are very similar. All kinds of indoor roses have leaves of 5 large leaves and flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with complete dissolution.

Let's figure out how to care for a room rose.

Room Rose: watering

Sprinkle roses with standing tap water at room temperature as the soil dries.

Also, indoor roses like spraying. Spray the plant in the evening. You can use cold boiled water or a solution of special fertilizers. But remember that you do not need to spray the plant every day, even in summer.

During the bud formation, the flower should not lack light and moisture. In autumn and winter, during the rest period, roses are watered less often, it is very important to leave the soil in the pot dry for a couple of days. To control the dryness of air, place the pot on a pallet with pebbles, which should be moistened with water as needed.

Transplanting a rose room

When the moon passed into the growth phase, a good period for the transplantation of the flower came. Transplant the plant carefully, so as not to disturb the roots. On the roots of roses, white granules of complex fertilizer come across - do not remove or rinse them. From the earthy coma, before the transplant, gently remove some old land without damaging the roots.

For good growth, indoor roses need nutritious soil: a mixture of turf and humus, sand. In such soil during planting, granules of complex fertilizer are added. If you can not prepare the necessary components yourself - buy a ready-made "Rose" or simply a universal primer for indoor plants.

Pruning of indoor roses

Usually for the winter the rose is cut off, leaving thus on each branchlet on five alive kidneys. Pruning is best done on the growing moon. If the room rose is not cut in the fall, then next summer it will bloom much later, the bloom will not be so abundant, and the bush will look not quite neat. If you do not have time to trim the plant before hibernation, it can be done in the spring.

Indoor Rose: Diseases

Most often, young or weakened plants are affected by diseases, as well as those who have not been provided with proper and attentive care. One of the most common fungal diseases of a decorative rose is powdery mildew. The main reasons for its occurrence are poor ventilation of the room, excessive fertilization, and also the crowding of plants in one place. This disease of the indoor rose is characterized by a white coating on the leaves and stems of the plant. With its further development, the leaves of the rose gradually wither and twist, and eventually fall completely. As a treatment you need remove affected shoots, buds, leaves and process with such preparations as topaz, fundazol, etc.

In addition, the plant can be affected by various pests. The most common of these is a spider mite on a room rose. The cause of its occurrence is often hidden in insufficient moisture and high air temperature in the room. At the beginning of the defeat of the mite on the leaves of the rose, you can see pale spots. Over time, they increase and turn into solid whitish spots. In this case, it is necessary to wash the affected areas with animal shampoo from mites and increase the humidity in the room. After that, treat the roses with special preparations from mites - acaricides.