How to plant garlic with seeds from arrows?

Garlic, known for its medicinal properties, gives the dishes a piquant taste. Grow it is not difficult, if you use denticles. But there is another way. We will talk about how to plant garlic seeds from arrows.

How to grow garlic from the seeds of arrows - choose the planting material

As is known, in winter garlic grows an arrow, on which an inflorescence with so-called bulbots - seeds is formed. Usually the arrow is removed so that the garlic grows large. Therefore, if you plan to grow garlic from seeds, leave such a seed on four to five plants. Collect the inflorescence as soon as the arrow straightens. It is better to remove the plants completely together with the bulbs and seeds and leave to dry, after which you can carefully separate the inflorescence. Bulbs are separated and stored until spring in paper.

How to plant seeds of garlic?

They plant bulbs early in the spring. Before you multiply the garlic seeds, you need to stratify. For this procedure, a month before the proposed planting, the inoculum is placed in a plastic bag in the refrigerator. After that, a day before planting bulboks soaked in a solution of ash. The latter is prepared from the calculation that a glass of water should take one teaspoon of ash.

Sow garlic seeds at a depth of 3 cm at a distance of four to five centimeters from each other. The beds are formed in such a way that the distance between them is 20 cm. After planting the bulblets are watered. In late July, when the plant tops turn yellow, harvest is harvested. In the ground, each plant has small odnotubki. They are used in late autumn for planting for the winter.

As you see, growing garlic from bulb seeds is not a difficult matter. But next year you will expect a crop with large heads .