How to grow large winter garlic?

Garlic is a vegetable crop, which is often and happily used in our kitchen. A lot of owners of summer residences and plots grow it independently, preferring winter garlic . And in fact, this vegetable is unpretentious and does not require incredible labor costs. The only thing that often excites gardening is how to grow a large winter garlic.

The secret is the first - timely landing

In order for winter garlic to grow large, it should be tried to plant presumably 25-35 days before the onset of constant colds. Then the denticles will have time to take root in the soil, but they will not let the greens. So, the vegetable will not only not spend nutrients on the shoots, but it will also overwinter well.

The second secret is good soil and fertilizer

Garlic responds well to fertile and friable soils with a neutral reaction. The best predecessors for the vegetable are zucchini, squash, grains and herbs-siderates (alfalfa, clover).

Poor soils better to fertilize. In the list of what you can feed garlic, so that the heads were large, undoubtedly, a special place is occupied by organic (humus). You can also use mineral fertilizer. If you prefer complex preparations, pay attention to the "AVA" tool.

Garlic is good for such a solution, which is prepared from three ingredients:

All components are mixed, the resulting solution is watered with beds.

Secret the third - delete the arrows

In contrast to spring, winter garlic shoots arrows, which usually develop seeds. However, here lies the most important secret of large garlic. The fact is that these arrows really need to be removed if you do not intend to collect the seed material for planting the next year.

Arrows pull on a part of the nutrients, because of which a considerable part of the forces will not go to the development of the underground part, but to the formation and maturation of seeds. It is logical that in the end the head of garlic will not grow large. Delete the arrows as soon as they start to curl. By the way, experienced gardeners recommend still one arrow on the site to leave in order to monitor when garlic fully ripens. This can be seen at once - the filled arrow is straightened.

The secret of the fourth is watering

Usually the condition, how to grow garlic with large heads, is timely watering, especially in the dry period. True, the surplus of moisture is disastrous for agriculture, so it is important not to overdo it.