Nitrogen fertilizers are what?

Nitrogen as a source of plant nutrition occurs naturally in the soil, but in different climatic zones the availability of soil is different. Incredibly little nitrogen in the lungs of sandy and sandy loamy soils. In addition, only 1% of this substance is available to plants, so it is very important to periodically enrich the soil with nitrogen fertilizers, and what fertilizers will be discussed in this article.

The importance of nitrogen fertilizers for plants

High-grade nitrogen nutrition not only has a favorable effect on yields, but also improves the quality of cultivated crops. As a result of increasing the percentage of protein and increasing the concentration of more valuable proteins, cultivated plants begin to grow faster, their leaves are characterized by intense dark green coloration, and the fruits are larger in size. If nitrogen is not enough, then in the above-ground part there is little chlorophyll and the leaves grow smaller, lose color, and the yield falls. Suffer from protein deficiency and seeds. Therefore, it is very important to create prerequisites for the normal development of crops, providing the soil with the necessary amount of nitrogen.

Organic nitrogen fertilizers

They include:

  1. All kinds of manure, bird droppings, especially duck, chicken and pigeon.
  2. Compost piles. A small amount of nitrogen is contained in piles and from household garbage.
  3. Green mass. It is also present in foliage, lake silt, lupine, sweet clover, vetch, clover, etc.

Nitrogen mineral fertilizers

Those who ask what are the names of nitrogen fertilizers, it is worth paying attention to this list:

  1. Ammonium fertilizers are ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride.
  2. Nitrate fertilizers are calcium and sodium nitrate.
  3. Amide fertilizers are urea .

This is what applies to nitrogen fertilizers. On sale you can find and fertilizing, containing nitrogen simultaneously in nitrate and ammonia form. In addition, it is necessary to know that nitrogen fertilizers are used in combination with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. Such requirements are met by superphosphate, bone or dolomite flour, ammonium nitrate. The latter is used on weakly humidified areas with a high concentration of soil solution. It is often mixed with superphosphate and a neutralizing agent. This takes into account the type of cultivated crop, because the degree and method of assimilation of nitrogen in them is different.

On an industrial scale, liquid nitrogen fertilizers are used, which are evenly distributed, well absorbed and operate for a longer period. However, a full nitrogen supply to plants can be ensured only with the use of a complex of organic and mineral fertilizers.