Kinds of apples are the best options that are worth choosing for your garden

The most common tree in our gardens is an apple tree, varieties of apples with their variety amaze the imagination. There are a lot of them - both long-known and new, imported into the country recently. Each owner wants to buy a tree, prolific, unpretentious with appetizing and juicy fruits. To do this, you need to know the characteristics of varieties, their features.

The best sorts of apples

Apple tree trees can bear fruit for many years. When buying, it is important to know which seedlings are suitable for cultivation in the locality where the site is located, otherwise they may freeze. All kinds of apples are divided into summer, autumn and winter, popular varieties of apples can be classified according to taste into sweet, sour, sweet-sour, bitter for winemaking. The main differences between the types of fruit in the period of refreshment, the fruit keeping and the storage cycle depend on them.

Early varieties of apples

Ripening varieties of apples begin to mature at the end of July. They have a unique taste and aroma, they can be eaten immediately after removal from the tree. Early varieties of apples:

  1. White filling. It ripens in early August, frost-resistant, the fruits are medium-sized, greenish-lemon color, with a whitish layering. Apples with dairy loose chaff, liquid, sour-sweet, lezhkost - 3-4 weeks.
  2. Super Prekos. The earliest variety of apples, the apple-tree is neat, pleases with harvesting annually. It rushes after 10 July, the safety - up to 2 months. Fruits - crimson, 60-70 g, juicy and sour-sweet.
  3. Grushovka is a Moscow one. Ripens in late July - early August. Fruits have a color variation from pistachio to whitish with crimson stripes, differ appreciable sourness.

Summer apple varieties

The varieties of summer apples mature in the second half of August, are marked by a friendly harvest. They need to be collected urgently - eat or conserve. Summer varieties of apples:

  1. Melba. Happens in late August, successfully transported and saved for a long time. Fruits - medium, basic color - pistachio, have a ruddy side, covered with a waxy layer.
  2. Lungwort. Categorized as summer sweet apples, resistant to scab , unpretentious. Fruits have an amber tone with a fuzzy purple blush, are remembered by a honey flavor, fruits of 100-150 grams.
  3. Orlovim. Super resistant to scab varieties, highly productive, matures in the second half of August. Fruits - massive, flattened, colored unevenly in scarlet stripes, with sourish-sweet flesh, preservation - up to 1.5 months.

Autumn varieties of apples

The fruits of the autumn ripen from late August to mid-September, are best suited for conservation. The period of conservation of these varieties is about 3 months, the harvest is unfriendly, the harvest is 2-3 times. The best varieties of autumn apples:

  1. Autumn striped. Fruits - amber-scarlet with a colorful blush, chaff - loose with dessert taste. Fruits up to 200 g, ripen in September, stay up until December. The variety is super-yielding, the apple tree is fruit every 2 years.
  2. Zhigulevskoye. Fruits - amber-scarlet, striped, sour-sweet, ripen in early September, lie until January. The seedlings bear fruit every year, the productivity is up to 20 kg, they are resistant to diseases, but they are afraid of strong frosts.
  3. Glory to the Winners. It ripens in the beginning of autumn, keeping up until the middle of winter. The fruit is massive, pistachio with a crimson blush. Myakina - powdery, surprisingly smells. The tree is tall, frost-resistant, poorly tolerates drought.

Winter varieties of apples

Late apples mature in late September - early October, differ in the strength of the structure, well preserved. They are ready for use only when ripe in boxes. Winter varieties of apples , stored until the spring:

  1. Semerenko. Apples - a bright green mass of 150-200 g, sweetish-acidic with strong chaff. Fruits are successfully transported and can lie until the summer.
  2. Jonathan. Old winter variety, apples with dark purple blush, chaff - dessert, sweetish. Ripen in October, lie until April. Susceptibility to diseases and winter hardiness - moderate.
  3. Idared. Fruits weighing up to 190 g, have a wax coating, bright crimson color. Fruit - sweet and sour, have shelf life up to six months. Aidared is resistant to many ailments, but not very frost-hardy.

Sweet varieties of apples

Such types of fruits contain a decent percentage of glucose, the sweetest varieties of apples:

  1. The candy. Summer variety of sweet apples, fruits - amber, with purple blush. Fruit - juicy, ripe by mid-August, safety - 2-3 weeks. The tree is resistant to diseases, frost-resistant.
  2. Golden. Autumn variety, ready for collection in September, lies until March. Fruits are massive, juicy, saffron tones. Golden taste is sweet and pleasant. The tree is frost-resistant, does not like drought.
  3. Fuji. A strong tree is a generous fruiting. Apples weighing up to 250 g are strewn with a striped scarlet blush. Variety - winter, chaff - sweet with sour, fruits lie until May.

Sour apple varieties

Sour sorts of apples for cooking adzhika, salads, sauces, vinegar are relevant. Their taste makes the food piquant and enriches it. Sour apple varieties:

  1. Antonovka. The most acidic variety of apples, familiar to all. Type - autumn, ripens in September, the collection lies until December. Fruits - small, light green, chaff - sour with a significant flavor.
  2. Bessemyanka. Gives small fruits with a waxy layering, yellow-emerald color with a blush. Autumn variety, fruits with dessert taste are preserved until 3 months. The tree is a tall, frost-resistant, annual gathering.
  3. Granny Smith. The average large late-maturing tree gives elongated fruit weighing up to 300 g of dark-bottle color. They last until May-June.

Varieties of apples for cider

For the production of sparkling cider apples of different maturity are suitable. Preference is given to tart kinds with a sweet and sour taste and a low percentage of sugar. Varieties of apples for the production of cider:

  1. Box. The early summer variety, frost-resistant, is actual in winemaking. Harvesting - in early August, keeping - a month. Apples are sweet, juicy, with a slightly spicy taste and a strong aroma. Fruits - yellow with dark red dashes.
  2. Black Kingston. Classical variety for cider, ripens in late September. Apples have a dark purple peel with orange zones. Fruits are characterized by a sweet bitter taste with a strong aroma and a residual astringent aftertaste.
  3. Dabinett. Bittersweet apples with a high percentage of tannin and acid. Fruits - small, fragrant, emerald-yellow with a crimson blush. They give the cider a sweet, but with a slight bitterness.

New varieties of apples

In gardens, new hybrids of apples with improved characteristics of fertility, frost resistance, resistance to diseases appear more often:

  1. Legend. Massive dark-purple fruits have the same size. They have a sweetish sweet taste, keep up in October, persist until January. The productivity of apple trees is excellent, the collection is annual. Winter hardiness and resistance to diseases are high.
  2. Orlik. Winter view, ripens in September, stored until March. Amber fruits with a continuous purple blush, sweetish-acid. The tree is frost-resistant and resistant to scab.

Novelties of early varieties of apples:

  1. Julia. Fructifies annually, generously, ripens in the end of July, safety - 2-3 weeks. Fruits - pistachio with a pinkish purple blush, 150 g, juicy, sourish-sweet. The variety is resistant to scab and powdery mildew.
  2. Mantet. Happens in late July, early August. It has moderate frost resistance and a prolonged collection period. Fruits - small, pronounced purple color with amber specks, juicy with sour.