Badan - landing and care in the open ground, recommendations for gardeners

Many summer residents are interested in the original bahan, planting and care in the open ground of this beautiful and unusual plant, especially its reproduction. The flower has both beautiful decorative qualities and valuable healing properties, being an excellent acquisition for any gardener.

Badan - description of the plant

In Latin, this frost-resistant evergreen culture is called Bergenia in honor of the scientist, which ranked it to a separate species, and in the people the flower is called a badyan. It occurs from the family of saxifrage, grows in a high mountainous terrain. A person who wants to acquire an original and unfamiliar look must have an idea of ​​how the bahan looks. His root system is thick, branched, creeping. The leaves are large, but differ in shape depending on the variety, they can be glossy or covered with villi.

The medicinal substance is the thick-leafed view of the bdan for open ground. In its roots there are useful tannins, tannin, glycosides, arbutin, valuable acids. Preparations from it help with most inflammatory and catarrhal processes, heal wounds, treat the mouth well, is successfully used for problems with kidneys or the reproductive system.

How does bédan blossom?

In open-air bonanza, a continuous flowering and its period can fluctuate from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn. Carrying out and planting different varieties, you get a beautiful country landscape, covered with juicy leaves and gentle bells of different colors throughout the summer. Flowers are located in the form of rosettes or on peduncles with a height of up to 45 cm. There are excellent high grades used for cutting, and dwarf species, they all have chic decorative qualities.

Badan - varieties

Buying a home bahan for planting and care in the open ground, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with all varieties of this plant. There are several interesting varieties of this culture, differing in their origin, frost resistance, color and shape of the flower, the appearance of the leaves, the size of the bush. Growing simultaneously several varieties of bassane can build on the flower garden wonderful and original in beauty compositions.

Popular types of open-top harbor:

  1. Breadcrumbs. The flowers of the plant resemble pink bells with a diameter of up to 12 cm with rounded petals. This bahan in the open ground grows in Siberia and the Far East, where it is known under the name of Mongolian tea. Tolstolistny balan in the gardens can form dense decorative thickets even in the shade, in the autumn its green leaves get a bright red color. This species has become the most widespread among florists.
  2. Pacific bonanza. There is a badan of this species in the southern regions of the Far East. The shape of the leaf is ovate, it reaches a length of 15 cm. The base of the leaf surface has corrugated edges of bright green color. The height of the peduncles is 45 cm, the inflorescences are beautifully bright pink. Pacific bahan transfers planting and care in the open ground perfectly, pleasing early in the spring for a month of hosts with its beautiful flowers.
  3. Heart-shaped bassan. This species is a native of Altai, has a dark green leaf, resembling a heart shape, grows in orchards 40 cm high. Bellflowers on the badana appear in May, the flowering period is up to 20 days.
  4. Ugamsky bahan. It grows in the remote terrain of the Tien Shan, grows in the open ground on the cracks of the rocks of the Ugam Range, it is extremely rare in private collections. It has a large leaf with sharp teeth on the edges, a leathery structure, up to 13 cm in size. The bells of Ugam's crimson are crimson-pink, blossom from the middle to the end of summer.
  5. Badan Schmidt. Leaves near this sort of flowers for open ground up to 15 cm wide, their petioles have original protrusions, similar to wings. By the autumn they change the pink-scarlet coloring to an ink color. The bell at Badan Schmidt is pink and scarlet.
  6. Buckwheat. A distinctive feature of this species - the leaves and petioles on the bushes are covered with tiny bristles. The flower stem of the plant is dense, the flowers are pale pink in color. This species does not tolerate frost above 18 ° C.
  7. Hybrid trash cans. If you are seriously interested in bahan, planting and care in the open ground of this culture, you can try to buy its hybrid varieties. The color of hybrid hoods varies greatly. There are flowers of pure white, purple, lilac, rich purple. Leaves of these forms are spotty, monophonic, of any shape and size.

You will not regret that you begin to grow bahan, planting and care in the open ground of this plant gives a lot of pleasure to the flower growers. The list of varieties is large and varied. Dwarf and stunted varieties such as "Roth Blume", "Belvedere", "Morgenrot", "Britten", "Ernst Schmidt" are popular. If you are interested in flowers for cutting, then you need to buy varieties "Shneekenigin" or "Purplea".

Badan - landing

In cottages, you can use different ways of decorating a landscape with the help of a flower of a hood, planting it and caring for a competent approach helps you easily and quickly transform the landscape on your site in any known style. Now widely used in home gardening are several popular design techniques, depending on the idea of ​​the owner.

Where to plant bahan in the open ground:

  1. The stony gardens are a flower garden with bassan in the form of an alpine hill , rockaria, a rocky slope.
  2. The use of a solid array of plants bada - planting and care in the open ground with the creation of thickets in a natural style.
  3. Mixed flower beds - bahdans can be on different plans depending on the imagination of the designer.
  4. The outgrowth of a coniferous forest is the planting of an evergreen flower next to coniferous trees. Care for him can be carried out next to firs and pines, replacing the habitual lawn with a lawn.

When to plant a bianade?

Just to plant and care for the young seedlings of badan, purchased in the store containers. Plants can be transported to the open ground throughout the warm period until the autumn months. Perennial baladan, obtained from seed, it is desirable to plant in the spring, so that it gets stronger to the colds and accumulates the necessary amount of nutrients.

How to plant a bianade?

Decorative bananas planting and caring prefer outdoors in diffused sunlight. The penumbra for him is the best option. The scorching rays of the culture are tolerated normally if there are moisture reserves accumulated in fleshy leaves. Watch the soil, do not allow it to dry out excessively, otherwise the roots located at a shallow depth will suffer. For better survival, they are taken out with a clod of earth when placed in a prepared pit.

How to multiply bahlan?

This culture can be propagated by seeds and vegetatively, so in the question of how to plant the bahan, the gardener has a great choice. Generative multiplication is a long process, it produces worse results and is a troublesome occupation. Flowering in badan, obtained from seeds, comes on a couple of seasons later. If you have at least one grown adult in your garden, you should plant it in a vegetative way.

Ways of dilution of baby oil:

  1. > Planting and caring for the seeds of badan. In early spring, a primer for flowers with nutrients is filled in the prepared box. In the ground furrows are made to a depth of 0.5 cm in 3-4 cm. After sowing seeds, the boxes are moved under a canopy or into a room with a temperature of 18 ° C. Germs peck out after three weeks, in the open ground they are planted in June. Weak bushes for winter are covered with peat or fallen leaves of trees.
  2. Propagation of badana by dividing the roots. The maternal rhizome grows powerful and lies near the surface, it can be successfully divided every four years. Planting and care in the open ground vegetatively is carried out in a warm period, separating the offspring of the badan at the end of spring or the first months of summer. It is desirable to have on the received rootlet up to three kidneys and a couple of leaves. Badan put in the holes at a depth of 10 cm after 30 cm, watering the soil abundantly with water.

Badan - growing

Garden bahan in the cultivation and care is simple, complex concerns do not deliver to flower growers. Periodic mulching of the soil near new bushes removes problems with its drying, watering is carried out as needed in dependence on the weather. After the disappearance of the snow cover, poorly overwintered leaves are removed, in the autumn months, dry inflorescences are cut off in the adult badan.

Transplanting a badan

You can plant as a rhizome with sleeping buds, and roots with green rosettes of leaves. In the latter case, the transplantation of badana in spring and summer is made in any months except for the period of flowering. If you can not immediately place the purchased roots in the open ground because of weather conditions or for other reasons, then use temporary containers.

How to take care of the bass?

Shrubs of badan in the care need minimal, they are grown in one place for many years without transplantation. This procedure damages the plant and can not be performed without exceptional need for up to ten years. Frosts damage only some thermophilic grades of badan, they should be located near the southern wall of the building, near the bushes, under the canopy of a powerful tree.

What to feed the spring in the spring?

At the spring introduction of useful substances, complex preparations for flowers of the Kemira Lux type are used, guided by the instructions on the package. If the bahtan feeding is done often during a period of intensive flowering, then they will have a bad effect on the decorative qualities. The main mineral fertilizers are introduced in the autumn months, when the period of laying new sockets occurs. For an adult bush enough 20 g of superphosphate per bucket of water when watering 1 square meter of soil.

Diseases of badonia

Poor drainage or clay soil lead to decay of roots. Badana grass is considered to be frost-hardy, but severe frost can damage the leaves and cause darkening of the peduncles. It helps to plant bushes and care for them in a place protected from winds and drafts. Some fungi cause a brown-gray patch of leaves on the bass. Affected green mass is cut off, treated with copper-containing preparations, fungicide fundazol .

Pests of badonia

The plant has a large number of natural pests, which is due to the unique composition of its leaves. The flower of bananas suffers from a squatter under the interesting name of a slobbering penny, which lives in the penumbra, often settling in greenhouses and greenhouses. Against her help infusions of tobacco, wormwood, petunias, insecticides Actellyk or Permethrin. Dangerous for badan soil nematodes, when they appear, the soil should be treated with potassium permanganate or chemicals, transplanted bushes to a new locality.