How do fleas look like in cats?

Often a person, trying to find a loyal friend for himself, chooses a cat in his capacity. This cute meowing creation in the most beautiful way creates a cozy atmosphere in the house. But sometimes the joint residence of the pet and the owner is overshadowed by the invasion of fleas, for which the cat is the best habitat. That's why it's so important to know how fleas look in cats , and how you can get them out.

The average number of parasitic individuals of different species that have chosen their mewing pet as their "home" can approach the value of 200, the most common of which is fleas. They are a small insect without wings, which has the ability to bite the upper layers of the animal's skin and suck its blood. The parasite's taurus is strongly flattened on the sides, which ensures a rapid movement among the wool. The front part of the flea head is strongly rounded. The body is equipped with six legs, the last two of which are better than the rest, which is necessary for jumping. There is also a hair covering represented by bristles and hairs. Blood-fed males and flea females can live without food for more than a year and a half.

What do flea eggs look like?

The female is able to make a one-time laying from 2 to 8 eggs in white and oval shape, the length of which does not exceed 0.5 mm. With the unaided human eye they are recognized as small grains of salt. Eggs do not attach to the wool, but fall to the floor. The most favorable places for their maturing are dusty and littered paths, carpets or carpets, cracks in the floor, crevices under the skirting boards.

What do flea larvae look like?

After the incubation period, a legless larva is cut from eggs using a special "egg tooth", which has a worm-shaped body completely covered with long bristles. The larva immediately starts creating a protective cocoon around itself and searching for sources of nutrition. The latter are the products of vital activity, namely the feces of adults, which contain particles of animal blood. While under the protection of the cocoon, the larva will pass through all stages of development until becoming an adult insect and will wait for the opportunity to "relocate" to a pet. This time can take as a few days, and a couple of months.

Knowing what cat-fleas look like at all stages of their existence will provide an opportunity to identify parasites on time and begin to destroy them.