What to feed a rabbit in the winter?

Winter is one of the most unpleasant seasons. Constant colds entail all sorts of diseases, this applies not only to us, but also to animals. In winter rabbits require special attention to their care and nutrition. To treat the feeding of rabbits in winter follows with special diligence.

How to feed rabbits in winter? First of all dry and juicy forages. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Unlike in summer, when access to water was unlimited, in winter the supply of water should be normalized, as well as feed. It is desirable to give warm water. If rabbits are on the street, it is necessary to carefully and constantly monitor that ice can not form in the troughs .

Due to the lack of green grass in winter, it is necessary to think about feeding rabbits in the summer - you should stock up on hay. Harvest it usually in June. It is during this period that green shoots contain the greatest amount of nutrients. The best for the winter is hay and clover hay. Just these plants are rich in protein. In May, it is very convenient to prepare for the winter young nettles, as well as branches of aspen, birch and fruit trees. Hay should be at least 60% of the diet of rabbits. Usually rabbits like small chopped hay, without large stems.

Add vegetables to the main food - boiled potatoes and carrots. The last vegetable can be given in unlimited quantities, it is the only one that has no restrictions for rabbits. Spoil the rodents sometimes with small portions of a dried cabbage (in other words, silage), it has many useful substances.

Vitamins are necessary in winter to all living organisms, rabbits are no exception. It is recommended to give a couple drops of ascorbic acid along with glucose din once a week. Winter and needle branches are irreplaceable. If your pet shows a weak appetite - the greens of parsley or celery will help with this ailment. Also useful are bran.

Sometimes in the form of treats it is better to feed your furry rodents with rabbits with fruits, for example, bananas and apples. Initially, they must be washed and cut into large pieces. Good nutrition of rabbits will provide proper energy to the animal.

Decorative rabbits

Pet rabbits are physiologically the same pets as rabbits. Therefore, the diet will be similar. But the question is, what to feed the decorative rabbit in the winter, the owners only arise in the autumn, when there is no longer that riot of greenery on the street and there is no place where you can type fresh leaves.

Many in this case are mistaken, having considered that it will be enough for the rodent to throw into the feeding trough only a special mixture of grains bought in the pet shop. But in dry food, there is not enough vitamins for the pet. It is necessary to add fresh vegetables and fruits to the stern. Store carrots, apples and a small dose of cabbage may well come off. These products can always be found all year round in any refrigerator and you should not think about the question, what can you feed a decorative rabbit in the winter? It is recommended to introduce additional complementary foods with vitamins.

When buying food in animal feeds, attention should be paid to its condition and storage conditions. Mixtures should not have a rotten and musty smell. You can also purchase a salt stone from the store. Thanks to him, the rabbit awakens to receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

It is worth noting that independently watching rabbits, you will get more comprehensive information than from any literature. It's the rabbits themselves who will tell you what and how to properly feed them in the winter.