Plasticine in the kindergarten

Plasticine or drawing with plasticine is a relatively new kind of child creativity and a kind of non-traditional drawing that is available to children and at home, and in kindergarten. As is clear from the title, the main material in plankography is clay, which is applied to a horizontal, dense base - cardboard, glass, plastic or thick paper. You can also create paintings in mixed technique, supplementing drawings from plasticine on paper with beads, sequins, natural materials and graphic drawings. Usually plasticine children really like and becomes for babies the most favorite activities. There are many reasons for this: firstly, drawing plasticine on cardboard is very easy, secondly, plasticine helps to relieve muscle and nervous tension, and thirdly, pictures from plasticine are easily amenable - if something does not work out, then this part can be just take off the stack and remake.

Technique of drawing plasticine

For drawing with clay, the following materials will be needed:

Creation of an artifact in the technique of plasticine consists of the following operations:

1. Choose a picture-basis for creating a picture of plasticine. For the youngest artists to start drawing with clay is best from the rainbow. We transfer the sketch of the image you like on the cardboard, paying attention to what background the selected picture will look better: white or color.

2. Separate small pieces from plasticine blocks and apply them to the substrate in accordance with the idea. In doing so, we use various methods of modeling:

3. To create pictures of plasticine with a lot of details, as well as more expressive drawing of objects, you can use a medical syringe without a needle. A plasticine block is placed inside the syringe and gently heated, and then gently squeezed out with long, thin "threads". For thicker threads, a confectionery syringe can be used. Heat the syringe by immersing it in a container of hot water, or by placing it on a heating battery.

4. To obtain softer transitions between the colors and obtain the necessary shades of plasticine, different colors of plasticine are mixed simply in the hands. In this case, you need to remember the following nuances:

Plasticine for children in the preschool

When teaching children plasticine in the preschool teacher should not put before them very difficult tasks, so as not to frighten and not to discourage the desire to engage in such creativity. Since the work with plasticine requires a lot of time, in the middle of the class, exercise is a physical warm-up . After children master the basic techniques of plasticine, you can move on to more complex and even collective pictures.