Easter Games for Children

Easter is a bright Christian holiday, which most families spend in nature or in the country, in their own garden in the company of friends. Usually children are happy to join adults. And in order to entertain the children in some way, you can prepare cheerful and instructive games and competitions for Easter, which will allow you to take restless and keep them in sight.

Easter Games for Easter

Game "Find the hare" . This entertainment can be organized both in nature and in your own home. It is necessary to prepare colored eggs, chocolates, small chocolate bars, chocolate hares and hide them in a room or cottage area. After gathering all the children, ask them to search the garden and find a treat.

Competition "Turn, Egg!" . Each child is given an egg. At the command "Turn, Egg!" Children begin to rotate the Easter symbol at the same time. The winner of the contest is the participant, whose egg will spin the longest. He is awarded a sweet present.

The game "Blow the Egg . " This is one of the most fun children's games on Easter. The raw egg must be punctured with a needle and freed from the contents. Dividing the participants of the game into two teams, each one is placed at the table opposite each other. Prepared egg should be placed in the middle of the table. Simultaneously, the participants of the game begin to blow on the egg, trying to blow it to the opposite end of the table. The team that succeeds in blowing the testicle off the table wins.

Folk games for Easter

When preparing for the holiday, you can use the Russian folk games for Easter. The favorite entertainment of peasant children in the villages was entertainment with colored eggs. For example, the popularity of not only children, but also in adults, enjoyed the riding of eggs. An inclined wooden tray or slide was used. From below, the participants of the fun had to arrange their eggs in a semicircle or in random order. Each child had only one "core", which in turn is rolled down the tray in order to bring down the opponent's egg from the spot. If this was successful, the thrower took the knocked trophy and continued the game. In the event of a player's failure, another player replaced. The winner was a child who received more eggs.

In addition, Russian families played, and now they are playing with beaten eggs. Each participant chose an egg. Clamping it in such a way that the pointed ends of the egg protruded, the children beat them about each other. If the egg was beating, its blunt end was substituted. In the case of beating the shell, the winner took the trophy to be eaten.

Christian games for Easter for children

If your family adheres to Christian upbringing, hold a quiz on the Easter theme. The facilitator asks the questions, and the children answer them. For each answer, points are counted. The winner is the player who answered more questions. He is awarded a memorable prize.

Examples of questions:

  1. What is the Easter greeting? (Christ is risen!)
  2. Name the day of the week on which Jesus Christ was resurrected. (Sunday)
  3. On what day did Christ resurrect after his death? (on the third)
  4. What is the name of the first witness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? (Mary Magdalene)
  5. What happened to the stone that covered the tomb of Christ? (it was pushed aside)
  6. Explain the origin of the expression "Foma the Unbeliever". (Thomas was called the disciple of Christ, who, seeing Him, did not believe in the resurrection, until he put his hands into His hands)
  7. What time did Jesus stay on earth after his resurrection? (forty days)
  8. Why did Jesus Christ die and rose again? (for deliverance of people from sins and eternal condemnation of God)

In addition, for children you can spend a fun relay race . Participants need to win in two groups and give each a 1 tablespoon, which is laid out the egg. At the command of the leader, the player from each group must run with a spoon in his teeth to the designated place, return and pass the spoon to the next player, without dropping the egg. The team that will cope with the first task wins. If the egg falls, the player stops the relay for 30 seconds.