Preparing for gastric vaginal drainage

Various methods are used to examine a patient's condition. Conducting FGDS allows you to get the most accurate picture of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. An important role for the procedure is played by preparing for GVHD of the stomach, since it affects the results. On their basis, the final diagnosis is made, and the conclusions made in the course of other studies are confirmed or disproved.

Preparation for the survey

This method is safe and painless, but there may be unpleasant sensations. Having properly prepared and following all the doctor's instructions, you will reduce the risk of their occurrence to a minimum. It is also important to maintain inner peace, the less you think about it, the calmer the examination will be.

In the morning before the study is prohibited to eat. After the last intake must pass at least 8 hours. Observe this condition is not difficult, and its failure not only complicates the work of doctors, but can provoke vomiting, as a result of which the doctor will be forced to postpone reception for another day.

Also, do not take drugs and smoke. Smoking a cigarette in the morning on an empty stomach increases the gag reflex and activates the production of mucus in the stomach, which may require more time for examination.

Allowed in preparation for the examination of the stomach by the method of EGD the following measures:

  1. Take medication that does not require swallowing (absorbable in the oral cavity).
  2. Do injections if they are not possible after the procedure.
  3. For two hours to drink still water or weak sweet tea.

Preparation directly for the gastric bypass examination

Going to the survey, you will need:


  1. In order not to cause any discomfort, before the examination should release the neck, unbuttoning the buttons and loosen the belt on the belt.
  2. Persons who have any diseases or allergies should be warned about their presence.
  3. Before the procedure, the preparation before the EGF involves taking a written consent from the patient for the survey.
  4. Then the patient is irrigated with lidocaine or placed under the tongue of Falimint. This allows to reduce the sensitivity, thus reducing the gag reflex when passing the tube through the throat.

In some cases, organ analysis can be performed under general anesthesia. But most often it is prescribed when it takes a long time to conduct special therapeutic measures (removal of polyps , stopping bleeding). The anesthetic is administered intravenously and only in the absence of allergic reactions to its components. But since the negative effect of anesthesia is possible, it should be used only in special cases.

Preparing for gastric vaginal drainage - diet

Some special diet is not developed. However, the rate of assimilation of some products should be taken into account. Normally, it takes about eight hours to fully digest food. Croups, salads, bakery products will take a little longer. Chocolate, seeds and nuts can be preserved at all in the stomach for up to three days.

Therefore, first of all, the diet provides for the exclusion, at least for two days of such dishes:

Supper should be easily digestible. It is not bad to cook cottage cheese, boiled chicken or fish. The rules for preparing for FGD include a complete refusal of food on the day of the procedure, even if it is scheduled for the afternoon.