22 psychological tricks for drawing people around

At least once in the life of each person, the thought of playing someone out of their own environment is visited. At your disposal are absolutely different jokes: from the most harmless to the real staging.

1. Try to play the game. You ask other people questions in this order: "How many will be 1 + 1?" 2 + 2? 4 + 4? ". Then ask them to name a vegetable. Almost always people call carrots.

2. During quarrel or dispute with someone, try to remain calm. At least, the level of your excitement should be lower than that of your opponent. This situation forces people to speak reckless things that you, in turn, can use against them.

3. If you need to get consent from a person, then it's enough to nod your head at the moment when you ask the desired question. Most often they will agree with you or give permission.

4. Everyone knows a gesture when two people lift a hand and slap it in the palm of another person, saying while saying: "Give five!". Of course, all at least once missed. To the next time you could remain calm for your own reputation, at the moment of cotton look at the elbow of a friend. Believe me, you can not miss.

5. The majority of people faced a situation when in a head any compulsive song distracting from affairs constantly is twisted. To quickly get rid of it, just scroll through the head end of this song. Such a phenomenon is associated with the so-called Zeigarnik effect, which consists in the fact that unfinished actions memory of a person remembers much better than completed ones.

6. An excellent trick for communicating with children. Parents constantly face disobedience of children. If you want a child to do something or eat, then try to build your conversation this way: "Darling, drink milk!". The child refuses. Then ask him the question: "From which cup - blue or red - would you like to drink it?". He will choose the color and drink milk. Elementary.

7. During negotiations, try to keep silent. There is an assumption that people do not like excessive silence and silence, so they will do their best to fix it. Just be patient.

8. If you want your interlocutor to believe in your lies, try to mention a little detail about yourself. For example, instead of saying, "No, I was not in James's house. I was with Randy all the time. " Try saying: "No, I was not with James at the time. I have clogged his toilet bowl, and I think his parents do not want to see me again in their house. So I was with Randy. "

9. In a large company, you can conduct a small experiment. Tell an anecdote. The first person you look at to see his reaction is the closest to you.

10. Make fun of someone. Ask the person to look into your eyes and do not move them. Then ask what your friend ate 3 days ago. According to statistics, most people can not answer, because it is very hard to remember information without moving your eyes.

11. If you talk in a whisper with the interlocutor, it is guaranteed he will answer you as well.

12. When you are trying to find something, more often than not, you are looking from right to left instead of looking from left to right. Because of this, you can not immediately discover the lost thing, because your gaze is directed only in one direction and in one direction. Try to change the movement of your eyes.

13. If you want someone to believe in an absolutely implausible story, then repeat it 3 times, adding to each story some detail. For example, say: "Do you remember the situation at school when our teacher entered the car of a mathematics teacher in the parking lot !?" Most likely, for the first time no one will believe you, but if in the second and third time you add details, then definitely a person will decide that your story is really truthful.

14. Surprise your friends by using the following method. Ask someone to say the word you spell. As soon as a person answers, immediately ask the question: "What do you do when you see the green light?". You will be surprised at their wrong answer.

15. In order to achieve the location of a person to yourself, it is enough to allow this person to give you courtesy.

16. A small secret for winnings. If you feel that your opponent is playing too well and you start giving up your positions, then ask him the question: "How do you play so well?". After this question, the game will change the polarity, because your opponent will start to think about your question.

17. In order to play a trick on a person who is trying to count something, you just need to name a set of numbers instead of randomly selected numbers. Their brain will instantly be destroyed.

18. Put experience on one of your family members, proving that no one can discern milk of different fatness to taste. Do the following: tie the "experimental" eye, then give milk a try. The last cup of milk is replaced with orange juice. The human body is preparing to receive dairy products, so an unexpected liquid will most likely cause vomiting. Be sure to keep a bucket with you if you decide to conduct such an experiment.

19. If you want to get rid of a thing while walking, then it's enough to give your friend this thing, in parallel talking to him. During conversations a person automatically takes everything that is given to him without thinking about anything.

20. The secret of winning a famous game: "Stone, scissors, paper." Before you are going to start counting, ask a personal question to your interlocutor. Then continue to count as if nothing happened. Most often a person will choose scissors, activating a kind of protective mechanism of his consciousness.

21. According to research, a person is able to control people with the help of the eyes. People always look in the direction they want to go, therefore, they will first examine your view to find out where you are going. Such a reception means that you can distract someone if you look in the direction of the place where the collision may occur.

22. And the most ridiculous, but very funny trick. Approach the restaurant to a person and ask him to close his eyes and try to picture the game of cards. While a person is busy, you can eat all the food and run away imperceptibly.