Acne on the back of a woman - reasons

Acne can be observed on any part of the skin, especially with intensive work of the sebaceous glands. The most severe discomfort, of course, is caused by a rash on the face, but a summer holiday or a party can be overshadowed by acne on the back of a woman - the reasons for the forced choice of too closed swimsuits and dresses. To get rid of this problem is possible only after the establishment and elimination of the factors that provoked it.

Why do women have acne on their backs and shoulders?

The essence of the described state can be covered in violations of the functioning of internal organs and systems, as well as external changes.

The first mentioned group of causes of the appearance of rashes are:

  1. Endocrine pathologies. Both the excess and the lack of hormone production in the body provokes sharp changes in the work of sweat and sebaceous glands. Endocrinological imbalance arises against a background of various gynecological and urinary inflammations, pituitary diseases, adrenals, thyroid gland.
  2. Diseases of the spinal column. Osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, intercostal neuralgia and osteoporosis are often the causes of the appearance of small white acne on the back of women with liquid contents in the form of purulent exudate.
  3. Diseases of the digestive system. Any pathology, which is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders, causes an intoxication of the body. As a result, harmful substances begin to be excreted through the skin, which provokes abundant eruptions in the form of protruding red tubercles.
  4. Infectious skin lesions. Dermatological diseases of fungal, viral or bacterial origin are often accompanied by the appearance of acne of various forms, as well as tangible itching, and sometimes - pain syndrome.
  5. Bad habits. The constant poisoning of the body with nicotine, alcohol or chemical compounds is a common factor contributing to the development of the rash.
  6. Immunological pathologies. The state of the protective system is directly related to the appearance of the skin. The lack of production of some specific immunity cells can greatly weaken the epidermal barrier. In addition, this group of diseases include allergic reactions.

Other possible causes of acne on the back and nearby areas in women

There are other circumstances, because of which the problem can be observed:

  1. Acceptance of some medications. Side effects of many drugs, especially hormonal, include various rashes, hives.
  2. Non-compliance with hygiene standards. Too rare washing of the body, long hair, mechanical extrusion of the formation provokes active multiplication of bacteria and the development of inflammatory processes in contaminated pores.
  3. Stressful situations. Red multiple acne on the back and neck of women often appear after strong emotional overloads, experiences. Such a rash can intensively itch, quickly spread to neighboring skin areas.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition. The predominance in the diet of dishes with a high content of easily assimilated carbohydrates (sweets, baking from high-grade flour) leads to a violation of the functions of the sebaceous glands, increased production of fat, increasing its density.
  5. Wearing synthetic clothes or underwear. Pinkish convex acne on the back and chest in women is a sign of progressive irritation. Non-natural tissues do not allow the skin to contact the air and do not absorb excess sweat. As a result of this, the secretions remain on the epidermis surface, pores are clogged, and in combination with conditionally pathogenic bacteria subcutaneous inflammations are caused, the formation of comedones .