Vasculitis on legs - treatment

Vasculitis of the lower extremities is a pathology in the body, in the process of which various organs and tissues are involved. The most common cause is inflammation of the blood vessels. It looks like a subcutaneous hemorrhage in different places. Therefore, many try to cure the manifestations of vasculitis on their legs as soon as possible. As a result of damage to blood lines in the body, a process starts, during which there is a narrowing of the vessels and the death of certain tissues.

How to treat vasculitis on legs?

First of all, the patient must pass all the necessary tests. They will indicate the form of the disease and the personal characteristics of the body, which is important in the appointment of therapy. The dermatologist attributes the course of treatment. He also assigns complex diagnostics. Before applying any funds that are not included in the original plan, it is necessary to consult them with a specialist, otherwise the disease will only worsen.

There are several methods of treating vasculitis:

Medicamentous treatment of vasculitis on the legs

This type of therapy implies the use of drugs whose action is aimed at suppressing inflammatory processes inside the vessels. In addition, they must completely eliminate all pathological symptoms.

For therapy, a group of drugs consisting of the anti-inflammatory agent Indomethacin , the cytostatic agent Cyclophosphan, and the glucocorticosteroid Prednisolone are usually prescribed. In addition, to strengthen the vessels must take Ascorutin and Dicinon. However, the permeability of the blood pathways is reduced by the administration of Prodectin, which also prevents the formation of thrombi.

In the case of the nodosum erythematous form, an antiallergic agent is additionally connected. It can be Suprastin or Telfast.

Often to improve the effect of appointed immunosuppressants, vasodilator drugs and coagulants.

Treatment of vasculitis on legs with folk remedies

In folk medicine, there are many recipes to cope with the disease.

Herbal infusion


Preparation and use

Dry ingredients are ground and mixed thoroughly. One glass of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water in the same volume and left for an hour. Then the liquid is filtered. Obtained infusion should be used twice a day for half a tablespoon.

Infusion of violet, cowberry and string


Preparation and use

Dry ingredients should be crushed and mixed. After that, two tablespoons of the mixture is poured with the same amount of water. The drug is infused in a dark place for at least an hour, after which it is filtered. The drug should be drunk four times a day for half a tablespoon.

Another effective tool for treating vasculitis on the legs is ointment. Components can be found in the pharmacy.

Ointment Recipe


Preparation and use

Birch buds need to be rubbed into powder. If they are fresh - in gruel. The mass is added to the nutrient fat. The mixture is transferred to a clay pot. Every day for a week the remedy is placed on the minimum temperature in the oven for three hours. After that, the medicine is poured over tightly closed banks. Store in a dark and cool place. The product is applied to the skin once a day - before bedtime. Use until complete recovery.