Why do lilies fall buds?

As it becomes a pity, when you expect with impatience the opening of buds of graceful lilies, and the flowers begin to dry out and fall off. Of course, this phenomenon certainly has reasons. So, we will consider why the buds of the lilies dry up and fall:

  1. Lack of watering. Most often, lilies fall buds due to some errors in care. In hot, dry weather, many gardeners forget to water the lawn, where this delicate flower grows. Lily, which is quite sensitive to the lack of moisture, thus reacts in the absence of watering. Therefore, it is important during budding and until the flowers are fully opened to prevent the kidney from drying on the lawn. Watering is better done in the evening.
  2. Fungal and infectious diseases. Another reason why lilies fall buds, may be some diseases. When Fusarium wilt on the petals and leaves of the plant appear yellow-brown blotches. In this case, the dying flowers are removed, and the patients are sprinkled with a solution, which is prepared from 300 g of iron sulfate and buckets of water. A good effect has copper chloride (35-65 g), which is diluted in 10 liters of water. Try the products that you can buy in a specialized store - Fundazol, Fitosporin-M.
  3. Another reason why the lily first blackens and then falls buds, is the gray rot or blotchiness caused by the fungus due to prolonged rains. On all parts of the flower first appear dark moist spots with a yellow fringing, which then begin to rot. The flowers themselves take an ugly shape, rot and crumble. If we talk about what to do if the buds of the lilies fall, then with the initial signs of gray rot the treatment of the above-ground part plants with a Bordeaux mixture or fungicide HOM.
  4. Pests. Unfortunately, lilies are interested not only fans of ornamental plants, but also various pests. In the first weeks of summer, buds that have not yet bloomed can attack lilac flies . The insects lay eggs in flowers, from which larvae are later released, eating petals and stamens. As a result, the flower curls and falls off.
  5. The stem nematode (small worms) first feeds on all parts of the lily, and then injects into the plants digestive enzymes that significantly weaken the plants. A fire-bug is considered dangerous for flowers and the lily flower is cracking. They are fighting insecticide pests with lily (Inta-vir, Actellik, Ragor).