Rose Cordana - care

One of the types of roses that is grown in pots is the Cordana mix rose, which has several varieties. They have become popular due to the fact that they can start quickly enough to blossom, transport well, successfully exist in the room and do not have a smell.

To achieve abundant flowering, you need to know the basic rules of caring for the rose Cordan mix, like a flower in the room.

How to care for a rose Cordan mix?

  1. Location . This light-loving flower should be placed on a southern, well-lit and ventilated window sill or balcony, preventing direct sunlight from reaching the flower. In winter, the rose needs to be illuminated - 2-3 hours a day.
  2. Temperature regime . Optimum conditions for good growth is considered to be 18 ° C, but it is permissible to vary it from 14 ° C to 20 ° C.
  3. Watering . It is necessary to water abundantly with warm water in the morning and in the evening, not permitting the drying of the upper layer of the soil. After each watering you need to loosen the ground to avoid the formation of a dense crust on it. Weekly arrange spraying and bathing the bush.
  4. Top dressing . Under the rose, for normal development, it is enough to add nitrogen or potassium-phosphorus fertilizers three to four times, and at the end of summer superphosphates and nitrate. Feeding is not carried out in autumn, winter and during flowering.
  5. Transplantation and reproduction . Transplant is recommended only by the method of transshipment, without damaging the earth litter on the roots. To after the transplantation of the rose Kordan did not deteriorate flowering, you should take a second pot quite a bit more than the first. Most often, the reproduction of the Cordan rose is carried out by stem cuttings left after cutting the bush before hibernation.
  6. Wintering . In winter, roses usually rest, they need less sun and water. But if you want to achieve the flowering of the Kordan Rose in winter, it will require special care for it: to arrange good lighting, high humidity and carry out fertilizing.

Rosa Cordana: problems and pests

The main problems when growing at home are roses Kordan is that its leaves turn yellow and fall, and pests also appear.

The cause of yellowing and falling leaves from the bush may be:

Among the pests most often noted the appearance of a spider mites because of the dryness of the air in the room.

Rose Cordan can be grown not only at home, but also in the garden, where she will already need other growing conditions.