Chondroprotectors for osteochondrosis

Such drugs as chondroprotectors have already proved effective in the treatment of arthrosis. However, the question of whether chondroprotectors help with osteochondrosis remains open. Modern experts in the field of pharmacology and medicine are ambivalent about preparations of this kind, and there is as yet no consensus on the justification of their use. Opinions differ, but there is nothing strange about this: osteochondrosis and arthrosis are fundamentally different diseases and means effective in one case, will not necessarily be effective in the second.

What is osteochondrosis?

To begin with it is necessary to understand genesis, that is in the cause of osteochondrosis. As a rule, this disease occurs as a result of a violation of the distribution of the load on the spine. Nowadays, the most common reason for this is inactivity or, in other words, a sedentary lifestyle. That is why osteochondrosis is called a "professional" disease of those whose work is connected with a computer or papers. And if earlier this disease was peculiar to people of mature age, now such a diagnosis can be supplied to a schoolboy.

In addition, the cause of osteochondrosis can be excessive stress on the spine, which are peculiar to people in such professions as miners, athletes, hairdressers, drivers and many others.

Sometimes there is an osteochondrosis due to flat feet or excess weight. Another reason is microcracks in the spine, leading to thinning of the cartilage. As a consequence of this, deformation of the intervertebral discs occurs, the elasticity of the cartilage decreases (due to a reduction in the chondroitin sulfate content in the tissues). As a result, the cartilage decreases, the intervertebral disc changes pathologically, and the ligament apparatus is broken, resulting in deformed osteal processes of the spine. Thus, in several stages of development of osteochondrosis.

Do modern chondroprotectors need osteochondrosis?

Understanding the very essence of this disease, it is easy to understand whether the use of such drugs as chondroprotectors in osteochondrosis is advisable.

As is known, preparations chondroprotectors are called to slow down the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, because they are an artificial substitute for chondroitin sulfate - the very substance that makes the cartilages of the body elastic and moisturized. However, it is difficult to talk about their universality, in spite of the fact that they are produced from the cartilaginous tissue of animals, the blood of fish and animals. To date, clinical trials have proven only improvements in the treatment of joint osteoarthritis, and joints and spine - different structures.

The fact is that the best chondroprotectors are aimed at improving the composition of the synovial fluid, while the independently active substances from the chondroprotectors can not reach the required depth in the tissues.

Nevertheless, if the treatment is started in the very first stage of the disease, then improvements will be made, this has already been proved. Given that there are almost no side effects of chondroprotectors, one can always try this method of treatment. To be afraid is only for those who have serious problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract. Often, to ease the burden on the body, it is recommended to combine the intake of such medications with physiotherapy procedures.

If you decide on such a method of treatment, remember that the chondroprotectors take for a long time and the effect from them does not come at once, but it keeps quite a long time.