How to cure flat feet?

The diagnosis of "flat feet" means deforming the shape of the foot and changing its rise. The foot becomes as if lowered in the longitudinal and transverse arches. The methods of treating flat feet are very different, from folk remedies to surgical intervention. However, one must remember: it is better to slow down the development of this disease, than it is too late to start its radical treatment.

The causes of flatfoot

It is believed that flat feet to date, more than 50% of women and men suffer. Such a large number of people with flat feet explain the deformation of the foot during life because of the shoes we wear, excessive loads, etc. High heels and narrow noses of shoes often become factors in the development of flatfoot. A long standing on the legs in men, overweight can also lead to the development of this disease.

Flat-footedness is congenital. Most often, it occurs because of the lack of connective tissue in the development of the baby, which can also affect the functioning of the heart, the state of vision. However, both congenital and acquired flatfoot need to be fought until it leads to changes and diseases of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Surgical treatment of flat feet is necessary in extreme situations and with a neglected form. This is a rather complicated operation, which does not always have a guaranteed result.

Treatment of flat feet at home

In order to find a way how to heal flatfoot, it is necessary to recognize it in time. Children from the first years of life are examined by an orthopedic surgeon and, if flat feet are detected, regular and systematic treatment. Adult people should also carefully monitor the condition of the foot. If you feel constant pain and excessive fatigue when walking or see a deformity of the foot, it is better to immediately consult a specialist.

If in childhood, flat feet can be cured by conservative methods, constantly engaged, then for an adult such exercises will only help stop the development of the disease.

Massage for flat feet

Massage stimulates the flow of blood, and also leads to tonus all the muscles of the foot. For the treatment of congenital flat feet in children, massage is extremely popular and effective. The doctor massages not only completely from the heel to the toes, but also the shin towards the foot. When massage the doctor kneads the foot, rubs it, strokes it. Massage is perhaps the most pleasant way to treat flat feet. Therefore, in no case do not neglect it.

Physical exercises with flat feet

Effective treatment of flat feet includes a number of exercises, the secret of which is that they need to be performed daily. It is enough to spend 10-20 minutes every morning and every evening. Among the exercises for the treatment of flat feet are:

Treatment of flat feet folk remedies

In the treatment of flatfoot, a natural stimulation of the foot: you need to walk barefoot as much as possible on the grass, pebbles, earth. At home, use massage mats on which you can stand or do rides from the heel to the toe while washing dishes or brushing your teeth.

For children, swimming is also highly recommended. It is not necessary to let the child out into the open sea, you can use an inflatable pool for the baby: it's enough that he does the stumbling with his foot while bathing.

If you go on vacation or in the country, allow the child and yourself to walk barefoot on pebbles, logs, wet grass, climb up the hills and descend from them. Thus, you not only strengthen the foot muscles, but also enjoy. Often used foot baths on decoction of the bark of oak or peppermint.