
If a person has all the signs of inflammation of appendicitis , you need to call an ambulance. Treat this disease surgically. This is the only way to completely eliminate the source of inflammation. Removal of appendicitis can be carried out with the help of usual or laparoscopic appendectomy.

Traditional Appendectomy

Traditional appendectomy is an operation to remove appendicitis, which undergoes anesthesia or local anesthesia. When removing a vermiform appendage, this method always uses the Volkovitch-McBurney cut. Appendicitis is removed into the wound, quickly mobilized by ligation and dissected with a mesentery. On the base of the appendage, a catgut ligature is applied, and a little above it is cut off. The surgical wound is sutured or drained. If the disease is destructive and with exudate, the drainage is carried out by a micro-irrigator so that antibiotics can be administered.

Within 24 hours after the operation should adhere to strict bed rest. During this period it is necessary to apply cold compresses on the wound and take painkillers. If complications do not occur, then the intestinal peristalsis in the patient will recover by 2-3 days.

The temperature after removal of appendicitis can be high for 2-3 days. If there is no tendency to reduce it for 10 days, this is a very disturbing symptom. In this case, it is necessary to check whether:

In cases where after removal of appendicitis was installed drainage, the rise in temperature is usually observed until the removal of the drainage tubes.

Laparoscopic appendectomy

Laparoscopy - removal of appendicitis by laparoscopic method. To perform this operation, make three small punctures on the stomach. With the help of special equipment through they find an outgrowth, isolate it from all inflamed tissues and cut it off. Laparoscopy has many advantages. The most important thing is how long such an operation to remove appendicitis lasts. The whole procedure takes a maximum of 30 minutes. In addition, laparoscopic appendectomy allows: